Chapter 46

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Stepping back into the room, holding the vial of a pain killing draught, Tom's eyes went to the bed immediately. Harry was still out, in the same position as when he left. Though he had expected this, he hoped in the time he had been gone there would be some sign he was waking. That didn't appear to be the case, though. Shaking his head, he walked over to the bed and looked down at his lover. The only difference was that Harry was now in his pajamas, something he assumed Black had done to make him more comfortable. Just as he was about to try to get the draught down Harry's throat, Black's voice stopped him. Looking in his direction, he waited to see what he wanted.

"I think there is something you need to see," Sirius said quietly, standing up. Starting to unbutton the top of Harry's pajamas, he explained, "I noticed this when I changed him and was doing up the buttons on the top." With shaky hands, he managed to get the buttons undone and pulled it apart, revealing Harry's chest and the massive burn mark on it.

Seating himself on the edge of the bed, Tom looked down at what was there, wincing slightly. No wonder Harry's chest hurt! This—whatever it was, was seared into his flesh and looked deep. Leaning closer, he peered at it, not sure what to make of the burn. There was a pattern to it of some kind, one he didn't recognize. It didn't help that whatever it happened to be was so swollen and inflamed that it was probably distorted. Shaking his head, he sighed, then managed to get the pain killer down his lover's throat, hoping that helped. As soon as Barty brought up the two he had summoned, he would send the man for some burn cream, hoping that helped.

Sitting back down, taking Harry's hand again, Sirius said, "I don't know what caused that. The Killing Curse leaves no marks."

"I don't know either," Tom told him with a shake of his head. The goose had shown no markings after being hit so he wasn't sure what caused this. Sighing, he tried to think. With Harry being in the dorms at night, not to mention showering with others, something was going to have to be done about it because it was pretty damned noticeable! He just didn't know what right now and had more pressing concerns to deal with.

Standing up after pulling the top back together and looking at Harry, he told Black, "There are two people coming that are going to help. One knows about Harry and his dual life, the other doesn't, but I'm going to have to tell him because his assistance is needed. I'm going to need to reveal who you are to them so they aren't so on guard with you being around. I need help getting him back into the castle tonight and can't do it on my own as I have no idea how bad of shape he's going to be in." Seeing Black about to protest, he held up his hand and said, tone weary, "I don't like this any more than you do. I would much rather he stays right here until he's back to normal, but that's not possible. If he just vanishes sometime tonight, there are going to be questions raised and it can, possibly, set off a chain of events that we can't allow to happen. Not to mention having people look for him. If I go about it this way, we can come up with something that will look good for everyone and he will be watched by those that will take care of him. That's what I'm going for."

Looking at Harry, Sirius rubbed his eyes and shook his head. Though he didn't like it, Voldemort was right; if Harry vanished, Albus would be all over the place trying to find him, turning over every rock there was. No, that wasn't good and would raise questions his godson didn't need! It would just put him in more danger than he already was. With a sigh, he said, "Got it."

"You aren't going to like who we'll be dealing with, but they will say nothing untold towards you. They know better than to do that with me," Voldemort told him. Seeing Black nod, he added, "I will have things to attend to, but will be here as much as I can. If I'm not, I want you to stay. I'll ensure Barty is close so if something happens, contact him and he'll come get me."

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