Chapter 62

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Minerva folded her hands on her desk and looked at those gathered in front of it, giving a pleased nod. All the Weasleys in the school and Hermione were there. She knew Miss Lovegood was a friend of Harry's, but she and Albus decided to confine the conversation to those in her house so there wasn't a chance of information spreading. It would come, of course, but for now this was the best way to handle the situation.

After they all settled, looking slightly tense, she launched in. "For now, we want this confined to those of us in this room. So, if you would, please be discreet about what I say. I imagine that most will know by tomorrow, since the Prophet will probably pick up the story."From the expression on McGonagall's face, everyone sitting there was concerned. Hermione looked between the faces, seeing all of them shoot her confused, wary looks, before she finally faced their head of house and asked, "What happened Professor?" Her assumption was it had to do with Harry since he vanished for so long last night, but couldn't be certain. So far this morning, he'd been in class or off somewhere else, she wasn't sure where. The night before, he had come in after Prefect rounds and vanished to the dorm. So, no one had talked to him yet, even at breakfast. He had brushed off their questions, finishing quickly after getting a couple owls, then vanished again."Something happened to Mr. Potter's family last night," she sighed, giving a sad shake of her head. She then gave a quick rundown of the events they were aware of. It wasn't much, as Albus still didn't have details, but enough to give all of them an overview of what transpired. When she finished, she looked around at the pale faces of her students and told them, "Albus thinks, and I do concur, that during this trying time Mr. Potter needs a great deal of support. We all understand that he and his family didn't get along. Also, that there were issues. However, we're equally as sure he's having a rough time because of the event. What he needs now is the support of his friends, especially since everyone in our world is likely to find out via the Prophet tomorrow. So, if you would, quietly offer him your support or, if he's willing, let him talk about what happened. The latter may be something he needs at this time.""We'll make sure, Professor," a pale as a ghost Ginny told her before anyone else could say anything."Oh yes," Hermione nodded, wringing her hands. Then, quietly, she asked, "Was it real Death Eaters or just people dressed as them? Do you know?" While she was on the fence anymore when it came to plenty about Prof. Dumbledore, he did have contacts that could get the information on so much, ones that were usually right."From what we know so far, it appears as though it was a real attack by Death Eaters. He still doesn't have all the information on it," Minerva told them, looking between the pale faces."Why would they attack Privet Drive?" Ron asked, completely bewildered. "Harry's not been there in over a year.""We don't know," Minerva admitted with a shake of her head. Not wanting to go into that end of the issue, as none of them had answers, she changed back to the original topic, "We just need all of you to be what you are for Harry; his friends. Nothing more. No need to go overboard or press for something he's not willing to talk about, but be there for him. It's all you have to do. Pressing him for details or what he knows is probably a bad idea at this time, so just let him discuss what he feels comfortable with."After more agreements from all of those there, she dismissed them, hoping they didn't try to pressure Harry into areas he wasn't ready to talk about.

"Madam Bones gave me the injunction," Harry told Sirius after taking a seat on his settee with a soft groan. "My Solicitor also managed to get the hearing bumped up to tomorrow and it'll be held in secret. Dumbledore won't know ahead of time its happening. In fact, he won't know anything until my Solicitor comes to get me out of the castle. With this mess, it could mean any number of bits I'm needed for, so it won't look odd."

As he looked over the paper Harry handed him, Sirius nodded. "It's a good step, that's for damned sure. And it'll stop the most overt attempts. It's just not going to stop him completely, Harry. You know what he's like. All this means is he'll be sneakier and more underhanded about it, nothing more." Sirius sighed then handed it back."We know," Harry agreed with a shake of his head, folding his arms over his chest. "I'm already planning on a bombardment at school as I'm damned sure the old goat is letting some know what happened, like my friends. Then I'll expect more tomorrow when it hits the papers. Nothing to worry about. I'll manage to handle whatever comes.""He's going to drag everyone in he can to put pressure on you. It might not be overt and pushing, but he'll lay it out in such a way that they'll do his bidding without him having to suggest anything," Sirius warned, leaning back in his chair and crossing his legs. He was feeling a tad better about the mess as that injunction could stop the absolute worst of what the old goat could pull out. And if Harry could get the hearing that fast, it would derail plenty. All it meant was Harry needed to stay alert to other manipulations and bits the barmy man would try with him."Oh, well aware of this," Harry snorted, shaking his head. "We're preparing and putting measures in place to head off the worst while I'm in the castle, don't worry. I can fend off most on my own. The rest? We're going to have a few watching my back for me.""You need to," Sirius told him. "It's not a joke, Harry. I trust him with you as far as I can throw that castle.""We're implementing several things, don't worry. One is having a couple watch my back for me, people Albus wouldn't consider keeping an eye out for. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing.""Snape and the other one can't watch you all the time," Sirius sighed, shaking his head. "And you sure can't have those in your house do it. Dumbledore would think of them first and keep watch. Not to mention some might end up going to him and talking.""Not them," Harry grinned. "I'm getting with Draco tonight. He'll watch my back for me and make damned sure that it's not looking like it's what he's doing. Tom's going to have a few others as well, though I doubt they'll be told why. Nothing to worry about. I'll be protected."Then he sobered up and sighed, "I'm not the only one that needs to worry, Sirius. You probably do as well." Pulling out the basic letter he and Tom composed, he handed it over. "We came up with this bit for you. It's the truth, completely, so you don't have to lie. Get it off, fast. I'm also going to say he'll end up going to work on you as well to get you back. I'm damned sure Mr. and Mrs. Weasley have already been brought into this mess and pushed in the direction he wants. So, you might want to make sure this is off today to start derailing anything he might try."Sirius read through what was there quickly then nodded. "I'll get it written up then get it off to Remus. It's not going to stop him, though. He'll try something else. And we won't know what that is until he does it.""True," Harry groused, slouching slightly. "It's a start. I don't want you pulled into this, Sirius. Though I doubt I can stop it. All I'm going for is making it as hard on him as we can.""I think I can spin him in circles enough to give you the time you need to get married. Once you do the deed, you can stop more," Sirius told him, putting the letter aside, planning to work on it once Harry left. "And it might give us an idea of what the man is planning. Let's see what he does with it then go from there.""With owl post, despite them being good, we can put plenty off because it takes time to route it the way they are. Until then—we're going to do all we can to throw spanners into his plans. We just need a heads up when it comes to what the hell he's trying, nothing more. It's something I think we can manage." Harry told him. While he was tense about what this might bring, he was sure he could take it on. After all, he had more help than Dumbledore knew."I'll stay alert for whatever he thinks to throw at us then we'll go from there. Let me worry about this bit, you worry about what else is coming," Sirius told him pointedly. While Harry was damned good, something he now understood more than he ever had, Albus was trickier than anyone knew, the part that worried him more than anything else in this mess."I'm good," Harry assured him. "Nothing to stress over. We'll manage, trust me."Though Sirius nodded, he couldn't help but worry. Protecting Harry was his job and he couldn't take it on all the time. So, when he couldn't, he worried. And he was more apprehensive as he knew one of the end games was on. Oh yes, that was a cause for worry.

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