Chapter 59

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Pondering what was just asked of him, Lucius looked down, rubbing a finger over his chin. After a few moments, he said, tone distracted, "I think there is a way. This is one that Evan needs to take up with his solicitor, obviously, to ensure that I'm right, but I believe there is an obscuring charm that goes on marriage licenses of those more famous that want it to stay hidden. Not only is the real name obscured, it shows a fake name. That would work for Nick and would be completely legal. If I recollect, I believe that one of the Weird Sisters did that not long ago. However, as Nick is 'real', as in you giving him history that can be traced, you may be able to pull off the ceremony without a problem. If Fudge himself performs the ceremony, it'll be legal, even if it comes out later that Nick isn't your real name. That is a viable option. As he's cozied up to Harry, I'm quite sure that he would be more than happy to do such a favor, provided it makes the paper."

Glancing at Evan, who was grinning slightly, Voldemort then gave a slow nod. This was good. "We'll get the solicitor on it tonight and see what he can do." Changing topics, he asked, "You know what you have to attend to tonight, yes? And are prepared? Including with an excuse of why you're at the Ministry?""I am ready," Lucius assured him, looking determined. "I fully and completely plan to be there about fifteen minutes before the attack for a legitimate reason when it comes to dealing with Fudge. Never fear, I'll get him moving the way we need him to." He assured the man."Good," Voldemort said with a pleased nod. "I have plenty in place to give you a hand. Just go with what's presented." Changing topics, he said, "Tonight I want you on the front lines, Lucius. You are to follow Evan's orders without question. He knows what he's doing. I'll be there, but tending to other matters. If the wrong people end up being alerted too quickly, I'm going to shift you outside to help tend to that. Just stay on your toes so we aren't blindsided.""I will," Lucius told him with a firm nod. "Do we have a timeline for the operation or do you know? I'm asking so I know what I'm dealing with afterwards.""No more than a half an hour," Voldemort told him, understanding why the question was asked. "That's the maximum time we've allotted. We anticipate it will be far less. It'll be Evan's call in the end. When he tells us he's done, we're leaving. Provided that we aren't interrupted.""I'll deal accordingly," Lucius told him, honing the plan he had to handle the dance he had to do."We are asking that Narcissa be here when we're done to deal with her sister," Evan said, leaning back and folding his arms over his chest. "We're not sure of her and her mental state at this point. Narcissa can help calm her down and deal with her in a way the rest of us can't.""You have my word that she'll be here," Lucius told him, a determined bent to his voice. "If I may?" Seeing Voldemort gesture him to go on, he pressed forward, "Having her here before would help as well. I'm sure Bella is already anticipating what is coming. After all, this is the first time she'll be able to help with anything since coming out of prison. Narcissa can ensure she stays calm and focused.""That we'll have you do as well," Voldemort told him with a firm nod. After checking to make sure that there was nothing else, he pressed on with anything Lucius may have heard at the Ministry. Even the tiniest pieces of gossip could help with what they were dealing with.

"Though I'm not exactly sure of what Albus is planning, he has something up his sleeve," Severus told the two seated at the desk. Leaning back, crossing his legs and folding his arms over his chest, he said, "He's on a tight timeline and Mr. Potter has thrown him completely off with his reluctance to fall in line." Looking between the two, he said, "The time we originally calculated for his death has probably been cut in half by now. The curse is working its way through his system quickly. The issue with it is that it's feeding off his magic. If he would cut back, it would slow down the rate and give him more time. He's not. I'm not certain what he is doing, but whatever it is has cut the original time, drastically. And he keeps going."

Leaning forward, hands clasped on the desk, Voldemort asked, "So, if we keep making him burn through his magic, he'll be out of our hair far sooner?""Oh yes," Severus nodded. "He's living off Pepper-Up at this point and it's not helping much. In the last week or so, he's put out feelers to me about finding something stronger. I'll manage, of course, but it won't help him much and will probably just hasten his demise."Smirking at that tidbit of information, Voldemort gave a pleased nod. They could most certainly use this to their advantage. And he planned to, that's for damned sure. Anything they could use to help, he would employ. Changing tracks, he asked, "Any idea what he's planning for when it comes to Yule break? We know he has something concocted, just not what it might be."Looking down, Severus blew out a breath and thought it over. Quietly, he said, "I'm not sure. All I have are guesses myself. I know he's planning to have as many as he can guarding that Prophecy. He even wants me to. The rest—the only thing I keep picking up on is him trying to get back in Mr. Potter's good graces by having everyone at Grimmauld Place." Eyes flickering to Black, who was standing behind Potter with his arms crossed over his chest, he added, "He's trying to get everyone close to Mr. Potter there. I'm sure that has to do with Albus trying to push everyone to get Mr. Potter to do what he wants. It's my thought that he doesn't realize how many have backed away from him or no longer believe what he's saying. The Weasleys still do, at least Molly and Arthur. I'm certain he'll employ that to the best of his ability. It's my feeling he'll work with the younger ones as well."Snorting and grinning, Evan shook his head. "Let him try," was all he said, not giving up what he knew about the younger ones.Smirking, Voldemort asked, "Is there more to it?" He assumed there was and wanted to know what it was."Some," Severus said, curious about what the two knew, but knowing better than to ask. He assumed he would figure it out as time went on. "Lupin has already turned him down when it comes to returning for the hols. He made some excuse, from what I was told, and danced around the real issue, but was clear." Eyes flicking to Black once more, he added, "He's waiting on Black's response. Though he's planning that he will jump at the chance to spend time with Mr. Potter. It's my thought that he's going to get with everyone privately to push Mr. Potter to reverse stances or even give up more of what's really going on. I have no real proof, but with as short as his time is, he has to do something.""We'll deal accordingly," Voldemort told him with a nod, pleased with even the conjecture that Severus could provide. As the man was around Albus more than they were, his guesses were fairly sound when it came to the foundation he built them on. He would take that for what it meant and have Harry stay alert. Changing topics, he said, "Tonight I'm assigning you to help keep watch over some of the ones that still have issues after Azkaban. Mostly, I want you to focus on Bella." Knowing Snape liked being involved in the action, he added, "I'm doing this for a reason. Albus is going to guess you were there when he gets word of what we've done. If you aren't involved in the flying spells, he's not as likely to have issues over what happened. Plus, this way you can give up what happened without fear of reprisals over helping."Giving a slow nod after taking that in, Severus could see the reasoning behind it. After pondering it, he asked, "I take it there is a reason we are doing this and Albus is involved? Is there anything I need to prepare for or just watch it play out?""There is," Voldemort nodded. "I won't tell you going in. As it plays out, you'll understand why. It's an area you're going to have to use your initiative to deal with. However, I can say that if the old man gets too overt in his manipulations or it's something we need to know he's pulling, you need to get word to me. Of course, you know how to do that."Though plenty was left unsaid when it came to the true goals of this mission, Severus understood that it was big. That had him on edge and wary of what it could unleash. He didn't like that or what could come of it. All he hoped was that he wasn't drawn into the middle of a nightmare over it or that the old man would make his life worse than what it presently was with some outlandish scheme.

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