Chapter 63

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It was only breakfast time and Harry already wanted to snarl. Some he expected, of course, like the story of what they had done being emblazoned across the front page of the Prophet. As anticipated, what was written had the whole school twittering about it and looks he didn't like, as they were pitying, being tossed his way by most. He could handle this end, of course, as he knew it was coming. The rest was making him barmy!

He wasn't exactly sure what was in the letter Ron, Ginny and the twins received from their parents, but he was also damned sure it was to push him for what their parents wanted, something laid out in the one he received. No! Then there was all of his friends pushing to want to talk to him alone. He had handled it by putting them off until that night. While he had to face it, he had plenty to do before then. Part of it was getting with Draco to deliver not only the letter to him, but others, including the ones to Thor and Snape. He could normally manage, but he knew he'd be called out to attend the hearing.While he ignored everyone trying to get his attention and attempting to talk to him by pretending to read the paper, he was focused on what was coming. He knew he wouldn't get a chance to go to his first class because his Solicitor was coming to get him, which meant he had to get in contact with Draco quickly so it was done before he left. Draco would need time to get with those he had to deliver messages to. If he went about it this way, he would probably have the rest of the day. He needed the time to deal with everything else going on.As he shoved the food in his mouth, hoping everyone around him took it as he didn't want to talk yet, Harry read what was in the paper. It appeared Fudge had a hand in what the Prophet printed because several key items were missing, like the Dark Mark and any mention of Death Eaters. The speculation was the attack was revenge over something to do with him. While he was sure some, like Dumbledore and those in the Order, knew better, the unwashed masses wouldn't, something that helped.He was thankful that letters related to the mess hadn't shown up yet. It was traditional for all mail to come at breakfast, of course, but he was sure by tea he would end up bombarded. So far, he only had the Weasley's letter and a couple others from those he knew, nothing he couldn't handle. It would just take time for him to sit down and formulate a response. Because he was turning everyone down, he had to word what he said carefully so not to offend or make them push further.Finally finishing the paper, at least the relevant parts, Harry tucked it and the letters into his robes to read then deal with later. Though everyone around him was trying to get him to talk, he put it off saying he needed to think for a while. Under the circumstances, it was something they could understand. Then he stood to leave, saying he was getting his books.When he passed by the Slytherin table, he shot Draco a signal, hoping he picked up on the hint. He just hoped he was fast about it since he knew he didn't have a lot of time before he would be gone for most of the day.Draco had been reading the paper intently when Potter passed close to where he was seated on his way out of the hall. Though his brow furrowed at the odd gesture, something that looked like Potter was mimicking smoking, he quickly figured out Potter meant they needed to meet up for some reason.After making an excuse, he vacated the table then went to find Potter. He wasn't sure where he wanted to meet up, but decided to go the route towards the tower, hoping it was the right way.Harry was thankful Draco could think on his feet and was logical about how he went with matters. He waited in a small hidden alcove for Draco to pass by then grabbed him by the sleeve and tugged him in. Making sure the wards were activated around it after he quickly set them up, he said, "I don't have much time because I'm going to end up called out before I get to my first class. The Dark Lord has a mission for you." The he handed over his letter, holding onto the ones he would pass over once Draco read his own.Of course, Draco quickly tore into it then read it fast. He would reread it later to pick up on everything and make certain he missed nothing. Taking in what it said, he gave a determined nod. He could do this easily, and would. He also knew who to recruit to help, ones that wouldn't ask too many questions and would think what they wanted on the matter without realizing what he was really doing.Once he finished, he looked at Potter, determined and said, voice firm, "Where are the letters? I'll get them to their recipients.""Just make certain you're not seen," Harry told him, handing the letters over. "I'm sure you can manage.""I will, don't worry. And you can consider me your shadow from here on out," Draco assured him, quickly flipping through the letters to look at the names he had to deliver them to. Most were easy, but the two professors would be a tad trickier. He'd manage, though."I have to go. Someone will be grabbing me soon so I can get to the Ministry. Just be careful," Harry said with a sigh, mind already working on all he had to do today and what he had to handle when he came back. It wouldn't be easy or fun, but he would take care of it."Fill me in tonight," Draco told him with a grin, slipping the letters into his robe."I will," Harry assured him with a grin. "Right, I have to get out of here. Wait a couple then do what you need to."After Draco nodded, Harry slipped out, making sure no one could see him then headed towards the dorms as fast as he could. He hoped to be in them when someone came to find him.

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