Chapter 43

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Lounging in one of the chairs in front of his godfather's sofa, Harry was listening to what Sirius had to say, liking what he was hearing. Nodding vigorously, he told his godfather, "I think you should do it! I mean, we can either use a glamour like I do to disguise who you are or like Tom said; a mask. It'll give you something to do, Sirius. Besides, that way you know I'm protected."

"That's the part I like," Sirius admitted. "I'm going to say right now that I probably won't like much of what I see you do, I know that, but it beats sitting around here all the time with nothing to do. Shite, I'm already starting to go a bit barmy from doing that!"

"Very true," Harry said honestly. "It's not generally bad. Most know not to cross me anymore and don't try anything stupid, but once in a while they decide to get moronic. It'll be nice to have someone watch my back though. I know there are plenty, especially some in the upper circles that have been around for a long time, that don't like my position. They haven't done anything as most of them know better, but you can tell they aren't happy with me and some, if they get the chance, I wouldn't put it past them to try. They'll fail, of course."

Taking that in, not having thought about it that way, Sirius said, "Yeah, I think it's something I need to do. I know you can pretty much handle yourself, no doubt there, or your other half can, but I'd feel better knowing I'm doing so as well. After all, one can't always predict when someone goes off their nut and decides who their target is."

"Exactly!" Harry said pointedly. "We've had a few get huffy with me because of frustration during training sessions. I tend to shut them down quickly, or Tom does, but one never knows. Besides, if you're under a glamour or mask, you can help out a bit with the one group. They are bloody pathetic. No one would know who you are, but you could get to do what you're bloody brilliant at. Besides, even with all of us working with them, they are a nightmare. That leads to frustration on our end. You might know a better way to go about this than we do that would make it easier on all involved."

"I could, I suppose," Sirius told him thoughtfully. "I mean, I actually like doing that kind of thing. As it's not really helping to further some goals from this side, I could manage. And it would keep me busy."

"Busy will be good," Harry told him firmly. "If nothing else, don't make it anything formal, just help when you see someone have a problem. And, between Tom and I, we'll make sure that Wormtail stays the hell always from you. He's wary of me anyway and tends to avoid being around me. Nor is he in the greatest favor with Tom, something he knows well. He won't be a problem. I'll get with Barty to make sure he knows he has to take on dealing with him completely."

"Alright," Sirius agreed. "Him—one more attempt to hex me like he did when I came in and I won't guarantee that I won't do something nasty."

"Wouldn't break my heart," Harry snorted, sneering. "I doubt it would disturb Tom too much, either. He's a problem and we both know it. We just don't know what to do with him. There's no way to Obliviate what he knows and turn him over to the Ministry. That's what I wanted to do. Right now--" Harry trailed off, shrugging. Then he grinned, "He does get to make a good lab rat though. I got to use him for that more than once when I was working on some things. Not to mention Tom's nailed him more than once for pissing him off."

Not really wanting to know what Harry practiced on his old 'friend', Sirius couldn't help but grin. "That's about all he's really good for, honestly. He was pathetic in school and after that. All there is to it."

"That hasn't changed," Harry snorted. "Look, I'll get with Tom this morning before we go out and get something worked out as to how to go about this. Then you can start. The meetings, well, we don't need you there and you probably don't want to attend those anyway. The rest? We can work from there. You can even come along when I do some other things. It's nothing big, but it'll give you something to do."

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