Chapter 22

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It turned out that Tom didn't have any specific exceptions as to what would be contained within the books. He merely saw them as a potential treasure trove of ancient and powerful magical knowledge.

The High Elves had never been much one for sharing their magical knowledge with witches and wizards. They also didn't write much of it down or they simply took all of their books with them when they left.

Luna's remarks about what her mother had 'Seen' in relation to the Dark Lord 'needing their knowledge' and it being Luna's 'task' to help him appeared noteworthy though. The words seemed rather prophetic in nature, and gave both of them pause.

However, it did very little good to dwell on the issue now since they wouldn't be able to get the books until the winter holidays.

Harry and Tom had ended up spending several hours in Hogsmeade together before Tom returned to the abbey. Harry went about the rest of his day like any other Saturday spent at Hogwarts and that night, after his nightly smoke with Draco and his prefect rounds, Harry returned to the abbey as well then used the time-turner to go back 24-hours.

It was difficult not to mention anything about the coming day to Tom since Tom hadn't yet lived through the Hogsmeade visit. But Harry held his tongue and never mentioned a thing about Luna to Tom the entire night or next morning. When Tom left the castle to go to Hogsmeade, Harry realized how utterly bizarre his life was, that Tom was currently leaving him alone in the castle in order to go have a date with his other self from twenty-four hours prior.

All of this excessive time-turner use was likely to drive him barmy before this year was up.

Now, having several hours to kill and very little to do, Harry set to doing something he'd been meaning to do for about a week now but had been hesitant enough that he kept talking himself out of it. He still wasn't convinced it was the wisest thing to do but he knew it needed to happen.

So Harry dug into his bag and pulled out the two-way mirror that Sirius had given him just before leaving Grimmauld Place on the morning of September the 1st. Harry hadn't actually used it yet and part of him felt bad for that.

He and Sirius had exchanged two letters over the past almost two months but they had been very simple and short.

Harry sat down cross-legged on his and Tom's king-sized bed, holding the mirror in his lap. Finally, he looked into the mirror and called out Sirius' name.

Several minutes passed with no response. Harry was about to just give it up and consider trying again later when the mirror suddenly warmed up a bit and Sirius' wet, disheveled face appeared in the mirror.

"Harry? Harry?" Sirius exclaimed.

"Hey, Sirius. Yes, it's me. Are you alright?"

"Oh yeah. I just got out of the shower. Had no idea how long ago you had tried to activate the mirror. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I er... actually I wanted to warn you about something. Have you got a minute to talk?"

"Warn me?" Sirius echoed as his brows knitted together with worry. Harry could see Sirius shifting around and sitting down with the mirror held in front of him.

"Yes. Um... something big is going to happen on Halloween night." Harry said after giving Sirius a moment to get situated.

"Big?" Sirius asked, looking even more concerned than before.

"Yes. Definitely big. And after it happens, I'm afraid the Ministry might tighten a lot of their security as well as increase the number of Aurors they've got roaming about. I wanted to make sure you'd be somewhat prepared for that. You'll probably need to lay low for a while."

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