Chapter 61

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Summoning tea for both himself and Harry, Sirius flopped back in his chair and waited until Harry took his first sip. It was early, far more than usual when he needed to get with his godson, but he needed to talk to him right away as he knew Harry had a damned busy day. There was something about an appointment with his solicitor and other needed bits to take on, so he wanted this out there now before it got lost in the muddle.

After taking a bracing sip of his tea, Harry groaned then asked, "What did you need, Sirius?" He assumed it was important, so he wanted it out of the way before he had to go tend to plenty else that required him to seriously focus. There was still a very delicate dance coming and he needed to stay alert for it."I need you and Tom to work out how I'm going to word something and to give you fair warning that it's coming so a certain old man can't manipulate you with it," Sirius told him softly.Now completely focused on Sirius, Harry asked, "What's that?" He assumed it had something to do with the upcoming hols, but wanted to be sure before he started working on it."I'm turning Albus down on the visit. Not sure what excuse I'm going to give as he would knows that I would do almost anything to see you, but I'm not chancing this. I don't want you in that position and I don't want to be in it either. Remus had made it clear to me in his last letter that he's not showing up either. So, I want that out there before he pulls something. As panicked as he has to be about what all of you pulled last night, this could end up disastrous. So, if you two can come up with something for me, I'd appreciate it. Let me know what it is so I can get this off as fast as I can manage. We all need that out there before the worst hits so he can't pull something else to draw us in." That's where Sirius stopped and waited."We'll come up with something first thing this morning," Harry assured him, knowing that did need to come. "Before I have my appointment. Then I'll get it to you. Just be damned careful how you go about it. At this point—Sirius, I doubt he would have a problem putting you in danger to get me going how he wants. Or blackmailing you to do what he wants you to. He's—I doubt there is anything he's not willing to try at this point.""Something I've been thinking myself," Sirius sighed, shaking his head. "Don't worry, I'll manage. My thought was to send it to Remus and he can pass it along. That way there is no direct link to me that he can trace. I get I'm protected here and have the glamour, but I don't want to chance anything at this time.""Good plan. Let's see what we can do. Give us some time. I'll put this at the top of the list this morning to handle. From what I know, I don't think there's much truly urgent that we need to take on." Harry sighed, mentally going over what was waiting for them. After thinking about it, he shook his head and groaned, thankful he didn't come up with much they did have to handle right off. Looking at Sirius, he said, "Even with the glamour, I think its best you stay on your toes, Sirius. I'm not going to say don't go have a pint here and there, as we all need time off and to get out of here once in a while, I'm just going to say watch your back. We're about to take plenty out of the old man's hands and stop him in his tracks with other bits we're going for. That's going to cause him to panic and step up plenty.""Don't worry about me," Sirius assured him. "I know what I'm doing and am always cautious." Sighing, he asked, tone wary, "Do I want to know what you're planning to pull out?""I've got a week before the hearing that will get me emancipation. What we don't need is for that old goat to pull some hare-brained stunt between now and then, so one of the things we're doing this morning is having Piper file an injunction barring Dumbledore from doing anything that might be considered 'messing' with the situation or trying to manipulate it. As it's magically enforced, that should stop almost all of it. I'm sure he'll try other ways, such as nudging people in the direction he wants them to go without actually kicking them there, figuring that would get it moving, but we need him stopped before he pulls something out we'll have a bitch of a time countering." Then, grinning, Harry added, "And getting the marriage license. We won't do anything with that until after break starts, but we want it, now."Nodding as he took all of that in, Sirius told him, "You stay on your damned toes at school, Harry. I mean it. When he gets that injunction, if you can get it as those are a bitch to obtain, he's going to pull shite out that is so off the wall that you won't know it's coming. And he's going to have no problem getting others to emotionally blackmail you in some way. Minerva may even give it a shot."Seeing Harry look at him, Sirius said, "I mean it, Harry. He's going to pull shite out you couldn't have ever dreamed of as he knows that's another huge step in you backing away and it's going to panic him in ways that other bits haven't. From what you've said, you've stayed neutral in plenty and played along with other stuff, so this is going to show you're not. Some might chalk it up to you just being blindsided at the moment and somewhat not sure what to do, thus following what others think is best for you, but he's not going to see it that way."Taking that as sound advice, Harry nodded to him. "Not to worry, I'll stay alert for anything stupid or odd. Then I'll handle it from there or wiggle around.""You and Tom are going to do the deed then?" Sirius asked softly, knowing the two were leaning there."We are," Harry said with a real smile. "Over Yule break. The license will be in his Nick name, but we're doing it. It's more protection, for one, as that truly makes me a real adult. Even then, as my age is an issue with some areas even with the emancipation, that will make Nick my guardian. It can only help, Sirius, as I can't get you in that position." Smile growing, he added, softly, "And it's what we want. It really is. I know it's not something you get, but—I love him and he loves me. This is the natural progression of that."Hanging his head, Sirius thought about how to word what he wanted to say. After a few moments of silence, he told Harry, once more lifting his head and looking at him, "While I don't like who he is or what he does, and we won't even get into the last war, I understand and support you. If this is what you want and it makes you happy, it's fine with me." Smiling as he saw Harry grin, he added, "The only thing I ask is that I'm allowed to be there with you."Unable to stop grinning, Harry nodded, "I wouldn't have it any other way, Sirius. In fact, I want you to stand up with me. It's tricky, I get it, but we'll manage the same like we are with Tom's real name." Of all the things so far, this is the one that made him the happiest. As long as Sirius was there and gave his approval, though he didn't need that, he would be happy.

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