Chapter 38

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Coming into the Abbey that night, Harry quickly pinpointed where Tom was. From what he was getting, his lover was still in his office doing something or other. Nodding to himself, Harry made certain he had the ring somewhere he wouldn't lose it then decided to go see his godfather. As busy as things were during the day around here, it was doubtful that he would have a chance to talk to him so he decided to head that direction.

Once he dumped his books and things in the room he shared with Tom, he made his way to the one Sirius was staying in. Knocking on the door, he waited for his godfather to tell him to come in before stepping inside. When he saw Sirius spread out on the bed, reading, he grinned. Walking over, he plopped down by him and said, "Hey, Sirius!"

Grinning himself, Sirius reached out and ruffled Harry's hair then said, "Hey, Harry!"

"How was your day?" Harry asked, settling in.

Shrugging, Sirius told him, "A bit boring but that's to be expected. At least I'm not on the run or anything. I suppose we'll come up with some things for me to do."

"We will," Harry told him firmly. "Tomorrow, from what I understand, they're going to move you out to the small house on the grounds. That way you can wander about all you like. After that, we can come up with something." Shrugging, he then said, "If nothing else, we can come up with a glamour or something that lets you get out once in a while. That's what I do."

Nodding, thinking that over, Sirius shrugged, "We'll come up with something, I'm sure. I guess I don't like being confined after Azkaban."

"Oh, that's something I can understand," Harry told him with a firm nod. "We'll find something, Sirius, I promise. We always have something you can do around here. No, not anything to do with what we're trying to accomplish, but something. Like I said, there is always stuff to do around here. I would say that you could find someone to talk to but the only one there is Barty. Not sure how well you know him but he's a good guy. I like him."

"His cell wasn't far from mine," Sirius told Harry softly. "Not sure about that part, you know"

Wincing, not having known that, Harry nodded. "Gotcha. I'm around all day. We can spend time together or something. You can teach me all you know about pranks!" Harry said with a grin.

Chuckling, Sirius clapped Harry on the shoulder. "Yeah, I could do that. You never know when things like that will come in handy after all."

"I'll be here all winter break too. I won't be staying at the school this year."

"I'll find something to do, Harry, there's no reason you have to worry about keeping me entertained. It's just new and will take some time to adjust to is all."

"I assumed," Harry said with a nod. "If nothing else and you get bored, there is some research we need done. It's not related to what we're doing, more like stuff we just want to know about."

Wrinkling his nose, Sirius said, "I would have to be really bored to do that. That was more Remus' thing than mine. He was the bookworm."

"I assumed," Harry chuckled. Sitting there, quiet, Harry said, "I know this isn't the best, but I'm glad you're here. It sure beats worrying about you on the run, you know? That was a bad situation."

"Despite not liking being in Death Eater central, after having time to think it over, I have to agree with you," Sirius told him with a sigh. "I won't say I'm happy with the whole thing, but it's better than being on the run, with a chance of getting caught, or being imprisoned in the old family home. I'll find something to do with myself, Harry, don't worry. Just so I don't have to encounter Wormtail again."

Harry potter and the breeding darknessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें