Chapter 14

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Severus Snape was not having a good day and he suspected that it was only going to get a lot worse. He just knew it was. He wasn't even sure why. On one hand, it could easily be construed that the news he was going to be delivering to the Dark Lord could be considered good news. Despite this, he had the sinking feeling that something bad had happened.

Of course, as far as Dumbledore was concerned, and the wizarding Light in general, something bad had happened. But that was the part that was likely the good news for the Dark.

Late the previous night, he had received an almost frantic firecall from the Headmaster requesting his immediate assistance. He had flooed directly to Dumbledore's office to discover the man in the process of trying to counter one of the Darkest curses Severus had ever personally witnessed any man be afflicted with and not instantly die. But this was Dumbledore he was dealing with and he realized he shouldn't be surprised.

Despite all of Dumbledore's boundless knowledge and experience, the fact remained that Severus was far more knowledgeable when it came to Dark curses and counter-curses. He had done everything in his power to fight against the curse that had been centrally focused on the man's right hand because the stupid old fool had put on some sort of cursed ring. Severus had just barely managed to contain the curse in the hand and keep it from instantly spreading to the rest of Dumbledore's body, killing him then and there. But the curse was not gone. It was not destroyed or cured. The curse was still there, locked within the now shriveled and blackened hand. A curse that would slowly and painfully kill the ancient wizard.

Dumbledore's days were now numbered. This was tremendous news for the Dark, and yet Severus could not help but worry that something bad was about to happen.

He Apparated into the entry hall of the Dark sect's headquarters and paused, wondering where to check first for the Dark Lord. He was about to simply call one of the house elves to him and ask it to contact his master for him,when he caught sight of the man in question descending the stairs, glaring at him.

The Dark Lord was not in a good mood. He could already tell just from the man's aura and what little of his expression was distinguishable on his serpentine features.

Severus bowed low and spoke. "My Lord, I have important news."

The Dark Lord came to stand before Severus, glaring down at him for a moment before turning and making his way towards the long hall.

"Come, Severus." He said in a cold, high voice.

Severus quickly righted himself and followed. He was led to the conference room and the two entered. The Dark Lord took his seat at the head of the table and Severus sat across from him. A quick motion of Voldemort's long bony fingers and an impatient expression was all Snape needed to quickly begin his tale.

He told the Dark Lord about being called to Dumbledore's office. About the curse and having to work to counter it. He told him how he had contained it but that it was not cured. He made it a point to emphasize that Dumbledore was truly as good as dead.

"How long do you suspect he has?" the Dark Lord asked, interrupting Severus' tale.

"I would wager he has no more than a year before the curse destroys him."

Voldemort nodded slowly and his eyes looked cold and calculating. "The ring on his finger... did it appear in tact?"

"It... appeared to be, yes. The curse was gone from it, since it had transferred to Dumbledore himself and had been neutralized on the original ring. He was still wearing it even when I left."

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