Chapter 32

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After two days straight of those visions, and the pain that came with them, for once, Harry was tired so he didn't want to get out of bed at the Abbey. Even after an excess of coffee, he just couldn't seem to get himself motivated to do much of anything, like he was drained in some way from them. Tom, of course, had noticed, looking concerned. He had even mentioned it, saying that if he wanted to get some rest, to go ahead. On Harry's end, that offer was tempting but he didn't do it. There was too much that needed to be done that day for him to take it off and just rest. The weekend was coming and, as he was mostly caught up with what he had when it came to his school work, so he was making it his goal to get some extra sleep then. It was almost a certainty that he would still be needing it if things continued on the way they were, something that was apt to happen.

With a weary sigh, trying to focus, he looked over the sheet of parchment that Tom had handed him with a list of things that needed to be done. Looking it over, his belief that a day off just to rest wasn't going to happen was correct. There were only two things on here that dealt directly with him but they were both big. First one to take care of was that Bellatrix was being brought out of her coma that day. Most of the others, such as her husband, had already been brought out but the damage to Bella had been more severe than the others. As, from what his records said, her mental stability wasn't the best before going to prison, he behooved one of them to be with her when it happened. Tom was going to be in an important meeting at the time so that left him to do it.

After that, in the afternoon, he had a longish meeting with Lucius Malfoy that he had to attend with Tom. Looking at that, his brow furrowed then he asked, as he sipped at his coffee, "What's this meeting with Lucius about? It is about the forms I need to fill out?"

Lowering the parchment he was looking at, Tom sighed then nodded, "Yes, we need to get them filled out as fast as we can. He also has secured a short list of solicitors that might fit the bill for what we want and need. It would be in our best interests to secure one of them as quickly as we can so that everything is in place when it happens."

Nodding, Harry thought about that as he ran his hand through his hair, frowning slightly, "Won't it raise suspicions if we have one ready right at the moment? I mean, this should be an at the last minute thing since it's not something we'll know about right now."

With a nod, Tom replied, "That is very true. I think we have an excuse though. Your estate should be enough of a reason for you to retain one."

Catching on quickly, Harry nodded, "Very true! And a damned good idea. With all I have going on, managing all that needs to be turned over to someone else for handling."

"Yes, that was my thought. It will also, if it works out right, give him an excuse to come and go at Hogwarts. That will only aid in everything, giving you a contact about some things that won't look odd." Tom explained, sipping at his own steaming mug of coffee.

While sipping at his own, Harry thought that over though did nod, seeing the wisdom in it. Pondering that, he asked, tone distracted, "Couldn't we, just in case, say we were going for emancipation anyway? I mean, Fudge already knows, like everyone else, what the Dursley's are like. I don't think it would look odd that I would want out of there. Especially since I have Nick to stay with and am taking steps to keep control of my estate. And, to assist that, it would give Dumbledore something else to focus on if it comes out. He will, of course, hear about it. He always does, you know."

Leaning back in his chair, looking at Harry, Tom thought that over. There were, of course, down sides to it. It could be seen as far too convenient if the Dursley's house went up, especially if someone was suspicious about Harry's leanings. On the other hand, though, Harry was right and it would seem like something he would do now that he was taking charge of so many things, changing quite a bit. It could also be a way that, if Lucius' footsteps in it were detected, that it could be explained, at least to an extent. Fudge trusted Lucius and if Harry went to him about it, explaining what he wanted to do and asked for someone to help since Dumbledore would likely try to involve himself, Lucius would be the prime candidate for doing so, even with the history between them.

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