Episode 2-World Won't Wait

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A truck of insignificant design rode across the streets of midnight Ninjago City. It finally came to a halt at the docks, purposefully parking in-between cargos to prevent notice.

The driver, hooded in black, popped his head out of the door window, checking left and right just in case, and then continued driving into the cargo pile. It eventually stopped as it reunited with the other trucks, parked in the center with other groups of people.

"Have you acquired them?" A man with a heavy Metalonian accent approached the shivering thug. In a panic, he opened the truck backdoor, revealing crates of pure vengestone.

"Amount?" The Metalonian asked.

"J-just one missing."

"That will do." He replied, tossing a bag towards the teenage thug.

The relief in the teenager's face quickly vanished as another figure walked out of her truck. She had a black tight suit, carrying a flamethrower on each hand with straps holding it in place, and tubes reaching a gas tank at the back. If that wasn't intense enough, she had bleeding flames tatted around her eyes, and a scarlet mohawk hair that protruded from her scalp.

"Explain." She pushed the Metalonian to the side as she walked pass him, facing the thug with a fiery tone.

"I-I was a-attacked by someone--and my friend got knocked out. I-I guess thats where the v stone dropped." He squinted and shrank under her presence.

Flustered, she clenched her teeth. Could it be one of the ninja who attacked them? If so, they must have tracked the truck. If not, there was a large chance that that person would have picked up the vengestone and found it suspicious.

It could expose their entire operation.

"Do you know how much risk—"

A thud on the ground was heard, as she looked and saw one of her henchmen laying flat on the floor.

Miss Demeanor looked up, seeing the silhouettes of multiple figures standing on the cargos.

A pair of shurikens landed in front of one of the henchmen, exploding with a loud bang.

"What are you waiting for?" Miss Demeanor fired up her flamethrowers, snapping at her goons, "Get em!"

One by one, her henchmen were swiftly taken out, falling right on the floor, flat and unconscious.

One of the ninja leapt off the crane, regrouping with the others towards Miss Demeanor, the only one standing.

"I've been waiting for another chance against you!" Her dagger shaped tongue licked her lips, poising in a position of combat as she welcome the ninja's attack

"Wherever there are criminals," One said,

"Wherever there are convicts," Another added,

"Wherever there are felons, you will find us." The other one continued, "We are—"

"The New Ninja!" They said together as they reveal themselves, wearing high tech uniforms of black with attributes of different colours that differentiated each other, but they were not green, red, black, white, blue, and grey.

Unimpressed, and even a bit disappointed by the fact that the ninjas she desperately craved to duel with, which was one of her main motives for living a life of crime, weren't the ones she was looking for.

They wore teal, fuchsia, orange, pink, and yellow.

"I'm sorry who?" She cackled, throwing flames right at them in all directions. Exceeding her low expectations, they managed to dodge them all.

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