Episode 10-The Heist, Part I

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The news of 3 humans in black ninja robes breaking Aspheera out was all over the city, spreading like wildfire. With the law broken, there had to be someone to fix it, but no normal police force could easily take down the ancient serpentine Aspheera. Ninjago City required something else, a specialised force trained just for instances as such.

"The news is everywhere, and the people are panicking." The Mayor complained, speaking into a hologram in his office, "Commander, have any of you identified the identities of the three bandits?"

"Sadly, we have not. The audio and video feed was hacked. There was no face to see, sir." The Teal Ninja in the hologram replied.

"However, we think we know where they are heading next." The Pink Ninja added, hoping to shed more light to their investigations, and not disappoint the Mayor himself.

"Good." He replied, hiding his frustrations, "I want them found, and arrested. Whatever tactic you may use, I do not mind. Just have them secured, and the City won't panic."

"I understand, sir."

"Zane," Pixal spoke towards the computer in the Hangar Bay, "where is your location. Is everything alright?"

"Aside from everything you heard from the news, everything else is fine." Kai's voice replied instead.

"Where's Zane?" Pixal asked in a worried manner, "Is he okay?"

"He's a little busy right now, but your Zane is fine." Lloyd spoke, "What about the others? Jay, Cole?"

"Not so well, we broke into the vaults, but there was nothing there. Sorry." Cole answered, with a rather shaky signal.

This was unideal. Not only was breaking into her father's vault already a terrible idea, the staff wasn't even there. Pixal knew that she had to do it for Nya, but she couldn't help but grimace at how much damage she and her team was giving to her father and his company.

"Look, Pix." Skylor looked at her distraught expression, "Nya's running out of time, and we don't have time to explain all this to your maker. I know how it feels to betray someone close to you, and it doesn't feel good at all, but you need to get yourself together." Skylor groaned in strain, knowing that her replication powers were starting to wear off. "We need you to think. Where would Borg put the staff?"

Pixal sighed, with her emerald eyes staring at the Borg Tower on the screen, reminding of whence she came. "I am sorry, father." She muttered to herself, "But I will do what I must."

"Any plans?" Jay asked, "We need that staff right now."

The team was getting nowhere. With all this effort of breaking Aspheera out and wreaking all this havoc for the city, a sense of doom dawned on them by the fact that all this crime was eventually for nothing.

There was a brief silence in the comm links, until Pixal's voice returned.

"Aspheera's staff is on board a guarded convoy, that is moving dangerous artifacts to a more secure location." She stated, "It departs downtown Ninjago in approximately 8 hours. I have sent you the schedule and route."

"Pixal, how do you know all of this?" Lloyd's grunting and panting could be heard in the comms, clearly showing that they were on the move.

"I still have access to Cyrus' data logs." She hesitated to reply, "I extracted the data without his permission, essentially using it against my father."


"Do not make me change my mind." She snapped, "You need to return to the Hangar Bay. Skylor's powers are wearing off, and we need a better plan."

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