Episode 6-The Deep Sea

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A ship with a size larger than the Bounty cruised through the calm tides of the Endless Sea.

Rays of morning sunlight illuminated the sky with cyan blue, and a layer of orange on the sea.

The ship however, wasn't as beautiful as the view.

Two men standing on the side of the ship fished up a large thresher shark. They were a rare species with a fin so long, it could earn them millions. Other people gathered around to pick up the poor shark, bringing her downstairs where there was a cage full of saltwater. The room was full of caged marine life.

The fish were overly crowded, barely having space to even swim as they uncomfortably slapped their tails at each other.

There were corals that were directly ripped out, endangered rays, enormous squids, dolphins, and swarms and swarms of edible fish...

Species of rare or valuable types, just like the thresher shark, were placed in separate cages.

The man took a look right before he left the room. All these animals they had caught, would sell them a fortune for an entire living.

He smiled in delight.

A sudden rise of the ship caused the man to bump his bald head on the ceiling.

He rushed out of the room to see the morning scenery he viewed just several minutes ago, becoming darker than any night he had seen.

"I thought it was the morning!" He yelled at his friend struggling to steer the ship, but the strong winds blew his voice away, along with lots and lots of equipment.

Waves upon waves of water splashed on board as lightning flashed from the skies so strongly that it felt too close for comfort.

He gripped the railings to anchor himself as he felt the increasing periods of weightlessness.

the copper rod kept attracting lightning, which was the only source of light as the clouds had covered the sun completely.

Water currents gushed into the rooms, flooding the large ship.

Frightened for their lives, all the men rushed into the room with the marine animals, belivleving that it was the safest place in the ship. Besides, they weren't giving up on their prey so easily.

But there was no such thing as safety, if the sea was determined to strike.

Water gushed into the room, filling it up to waist level

"Get these cages outta here!" The man ordered as currents kept gushing in.

Some men stumbled out of the room, while most of them couldn't even leave it due to the water.

"I got it!!" One man screamed right before being thrown into the sea.

"Sir!" The man barely managed to stay afloat, spitting saltwater out, "The water—it's intelligent!"

"What?" The boss scoffed and laughed in disbelief, grabbing the thresher shark cage, "I don't care if it has a brain or not, help me get this thing out of here!"

"But the cage, there's a breach!"

"What do you mean a breach? This cage is made out of clearstone!" He snapped, only to see the cage completely eroded open.

He didn't seem to comprehend what just happened.

The thresher swam its way out.

He looked cluelessly as the water moved like nothing he had seen before, at multiple directions at once, and then jets of water of high pressure cutting down the metal cages.

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