Episode 33-Slither Pit: Kai vs Aspheera

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"Ninja never quit. The news never sleeps. Ninja never quit. The news never sleeps. Ninja never quit. The news never sleeps. Ninja never quit. The news never sleeps..."

Those words have been repeating on repeat for quite some time now. Although the audio was significantly distorted, it was clear that it was the voice of a young teen.

"This doesn't seem like it's played on loop." Skylor said, while holding Cole with her single arm, only made possible due to the constant contact of Earth power, "More like someone's repeating it nonstop on purpose."

Kai rubbed his chin while scouring around for potential threats, "What's more important is that they're using our private channels. Someone is obviously trying to give us a message."

The phrase 'Ninja never quit' and 'News never sleeps' kept repeating to the point where it started to get annoying.

There was a sudden shift of a shadow far behind the rubble, catching Skylor's attention as she glanced back.

"Hmm" Without much to see, she thought little of it, "I think it's telling us to go somewhere, for us ninja to get to a place where there's news."

"NGTV?" Kai asked, while at the same time spotting a familiar location. He quickened his pace across the destroyed path full of rubble towards an arcade.

"But that wouldn't be possible." Skylor said, "The broadcast tower was so close to the island, there's no way people would settle there. They'd be corrupted in minutes."

"Aha!" Kai smiled.

"You got something?" Skylor asked.

"Yeah. It's Kiddie Arcade! Haven't been here in a while." Kai said enthusiastically, "I used to drop Lloyd here for him to hang out before I go out on missions. Man, this brings me back."

"Uhhh, what?" She looked at him, almost confused, "I'm talking about the message, Kai."

"Maybe let's rest in here for a while? Might as well shelter in some place awesome!"

Kai was met with a silent stare of 'I've had enough of this', "Oh—right, news. Well if it's not NGTV, then maybe the warehou—AHHHHH"

The red ninja leapt back as a sudden shadow appeared out of nowhere, prompting Kai to prepare for a fight. A few seconds afterwards, he dropped down his guard, realising who this was, "Jake?? Wh-where did you come from?"

"Hi Kai!!" Jake smiled, "I was on my way home when the attack started. So I ran in here! 'Cause I figured, if you're gonna be trapped somewhere, might as well be trapped somewhere awesome."

Skylor tilted her head to the side in disbelief, hearing a kid repeating wordings of what Kai said earlier. Convinced that Kai was just a kid at heart, she slightly rolled her eyes, while smirking as she saw the two in red chatting happily as if the world wasn't in some apocalypse state. Despite Kai's childish cheerfulness, he might have guessed it right, she thought as she said to Kai and Jake, "The Newspaper Warehouse. That's where we're heading."

"Oh no you won't!" A sickly serpentine voice suddenly came out of nowhere, sending shivers to Skylor's spine as Kai and Skylor immediately moved closer to each other.

A figure started forming into existence at her peripherals, a slender serpentine with the corrupted Nunchucks of Lightning.

"Pythor." She gritted her teeth. Knowing that they couldn't dare risk a kid's life, they had no choice but to turn to the other side and escape, only to be faced with Aspheera, along with an entire squadron of Vengestone Warriors behind her.

"Ahh sweet vengeance." Aspheera smiled arrogantly, "You really thought you could escape usss with that scent of yours?"

"I knew we should have recaptured you, you petty witch!" Skylor snapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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