Episode 28-Reunion, Part II

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It was as if Lloyd's legs had a mind of their own, leaping meters backwards away from the King of Shadows. Wu noticed his nephew growing defensive, a reasonable choice of action, so the old master faced his brother instead, showing no fear nor desire for a fight.

"Why." Lloyd glared into the eyes of the devil, with spears and shields for his tongue, "Why are you here?"

With Lloyd and Wu on a tense edge, Garmadon's red eyes coldly pierced through them. "Hmm." His deep, vibrating voice calmly responded.

"Explain, brother." Wu's eyes narrowed, with his strong hand gripping his staff.

"I was expecting a pizza." Garmadon somehow managed to say, "I don't suppose you're delivering for Buddy's Pizza?"

"No. We are not." Lloyd hissed, with his hand almost ready to conjure an energy shield just in case the oni took any sudden attacks. On one hand, he was in fight or flight mode, on another, he was utterly, completely confused. Garmadon's tone was just the same the last time they had met, lifeless and sinister, yet the words coming from his mouth sounded so much more different.

Lloyd slowly allowed his guard down, somewhat, noticing Garmadon only having two arms.

The dark lord opened the door, showing the interior of his roommate's home, "Wipe your feet. I just vacuumed."

That combination of words coming from his father's resurrected body made absolutely no sense to the Green Ninja, who was still trying to grapple with this newly found truth, knowing that the warlord had been living in peace for so many years within the residential areas in the middle of Ninjago City.

"Out of all the places I've imagined you to inhabit, this is definitely not it." Wu stroked his white long beard.

Lord Garmadon tied up his white hair into a manbun, before casually grabbing a water spray and sprayed moisture on a potted plant set on a cupboard by the window. Lloyd and Wu speechlessly observed as Garmadon walked into the kitchen to fetch himself a newly brewed cup of tea.

It was as if he had gotten used to living here. Normally Lloyd would associate Garmadon with colours of darkness, yet the walls, the furniture, even his clothes, had the colours of warm yellow.

Garmadon sat on the sofa, making himself comfortable with a sip of tea, before his red venomous eyes glared at the two.

Lloyd and Wu stared back.

"You want some tea?" He said, "It's refreshing for the mind."

"You–" Wu awkwardly cleared his throat, directly ignoring his question, "You do know why we're here, right?"

"Of course." He said in a nonchalant manner, before having another sip of warm tea, "You're here because of the clippings I've sent you."

"Wait!" Lloyd snapped, "You sent the clippings!?"

"Of course. Would you expect Vinny to have the time to mail clippings of crime while working 24/7?"

"Explain all of this. At once my brother." Wu snapped.

Garmadon slightly gestured at the cups of tea on the coffee table, implying for them to sit down and drink.

"Master, are we seriously—"

"Lloyd." Wu called his name in a stern tone, before sitting down himself, and fetching a cup of tea to drink. The old master savoured the taste, forming a genuine smile, "That's some good tea leaves you have, my brother."

There was a look of approval from the dark lord's face, "I'm glad you noticed, brother."

Seeing the way the two reacted, Lloyd finally gave in and sat down with the elders. He grabbed the cyan cup, staring at the murky green liquid with warmth caressing his chin. It could very well be poison, he thought, before letting go and having a sip.

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