Episode 20-The Quiet Ones

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The first thing I saw was the face of an old man

An intelligent mind but one cursed by loneliness

His eyes met mine

But he was not looking for me

Made of scrap and metal

You have brought me into this world

The world of heights and salty winds

My eyes fluttered with joy and wonder

But yours was always depressed

I wanted to brighten your world, like you had brightened mine

I spoke poems

I performed sounds

I invented Tai D

But you were always looking out to the waters

With your arm supporting your empty mind

So it was exploration you want, I thought to myself

And I left the lighthouse to the shores

You saw me and followed along

I smiled at you

But you frowned

You pulled me back in.

I tried to help you

But you took my voice away

Why did you do that?

Was I really a pain in your eyes?

Pain to your ears?

All the feelings I suffered alone

Yet I couldn't tell you

Because you destroyed my vocal cords

If you hate me so much,

Then why did you create me?

You look at me

But I can tell you were imagining somebody else

I was never loved

You only loved the shadow that I had

Because my body of rust reminded you of someone else

And so you chain me up

And I was bound with you forever,

Imprisoned in this tower

You monster.

Like the leviathan in the sea,

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