Episode 26-Chaos in Primeval's Eye

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His body bashed through wall after wall, as energy cracked all over his skin and the Green Ninja's lifeless body dropped into the seas of sand—

Lloyd gasped for a great amount of air, opening his eyes wide as he forced himself up from his lying position.

It must have been a dream, he thought, finding himself in his bed from the Bounty.

"Am I dead?" He groaned as he tried to get up, only to fall onto the side of the bed, causing a framed picture to fall off the wooden drawer.

The frame broke, but it was already shattered prior to this. Lloyd picked up the picture of him and his father, putting it back on top of the drawer where he had always placed.

Lloyd quietly scolded his own clumsiness, slowly tracing his fingers on the jagged surface of the glass, feeling how broken it was—The door slammed open all of a sudden, causing Lloyd to turn around quickly.

"Master?" Lloyd saw the old man's figure at the door, before Wu pulled him into his torso for a full embrace. "I–I don't understand. I–I thought you were dead. Am I dead?"

The old master chuckled softly, "No, Lloyd. We are very much alive. We saved you when you leapt off the cliff, don't you remember?"

"Well, I guess I must have fainted pretty badly." Lloyd smiled at his uncle, never knowing that he'd lay his eyes on him again.

"I thought they confiscated the Bounty. H-how did you get it back?"

"By breaking the law, of course!"

Lloyd grew perplexed.

Wu sighed. "With the current situation, I have come to realise that sometimes I have no choice but to break the rules for something more important. Had I not made this decision, my nephew, you would be dead. You did what you had to to save Nya." Wu let go of the hug, looking at how grown up his nephew had become, "I am at peace with your decision, just as I am at peace with saving you, Lloyd."

Lloyd smiled.

"Now come." Wu said, guiding Lloyd out of the bedroom, into the chaos ensued.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Cole voiced through the comm links as the four vehicles rushed across the terrain.

"I don't know. Master Wu didn't give us much of a description." Kai replied, riding in his dragon raider

"Sure he did." Jay, who was riding on his bike, said, "He said we couldn't miss it. He said it would be obvious."

"Right, but obvious to him might not be obvious to—" Cole slowly stopped speaking as the giant floating island came into view, halting his car.

The small village dwarfed in size compared to the colossal structure hovering in the sky like an extraterrestrial craft, with massive boulders orbiting the island.

"Well that's obvious alright!!" Jay shrieked in panic, feeling the mighty power as its shadow covered their entire lane.

Purple smoke from the mouth of the Oni Temple slowly evolved into tendrils of dementing spirits slithering their way down to the ground, towards the villagers. The tendrils planted into the ground, from which came forth figures of great height. Its gun metal skin with glowing yellow patterns, and jagged crystals protruding from almost every part of its body.

The Vengestone Warriors pounced at the villagers, pinning them to the ground with their immense weight.

The vehicles rushed into battle, saving every villager they could save. But there was something different about them...

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