Episode 7-The Shore

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The two had spent time together for so long, that the concept of time felt like a blur to Nya.

The longer she lived with Nyad, the less important it seemed to be.

There was nothing but the sea, the things in it and above it, and their spirits.

A ship sailed across the middle of the sea, across a thunderstorm.

"Secure that jib, band those hatches, and for the love of Pete, somebody tie those barrels down!" The captain raised his voice.

"Aye aye cap!" Mariano replied.

The waves threw the ship high, causing the captain to lose footing as he held onto the railing in fear.

"Kwon! Get the wheel!" He shouted.

Right as Kwon rushed towards the steering wheel, a wave swept him overboard, plunging his body into the ice cold sea.

"Man overboard! Man overboard!" Mariano screamed as he saw his friend getting piled under the waves.

"Mariano, the spotlight! Collins, toss the life buoys! Boys, quick!" The captain trembled, "Kwon! Where is he? Do you see him?"

They called for his name, but there was no response.

They repeated again, but the buoy was empty.

A sudden glow passed by beneath the surface.

"What was that?"

Kwon's body suddenly appeared, gasping for oxygen. Cold licked his entire lower skin. Fear ran through his mind as he felt his body suffering from a panic attack, shaking nonstop.

The blue ambience approached him, as it glowed brighter and larger.

The head of a dragon arose from the depths of the sea, somehow giving the man a peaceful feeling.

Her mouth gently picked Kwon up from the water.

"Look out! It's coming!" The captain screamed in horror.

"Its got Kwon!" Mariano yelled.

But the dragon meant no harm at all.

It slowly approached the ship, carefully placing Kwon down on the wooden floor.

"You saved me." Kwon stared at the dragon, confused and grateful at the same time, "T-thank you!"

"You're welcome." She responded.

They gasped in shock.

"I-I know that voice." They felt the grace and elegance of her form.

"It's Nya!" the captain realised, "It sounded like Nya the water ninja!"

"Thank you, Nya."

Nya left them, returning to the depths where Nyad was. And the sea became peaceful once more.

"The mortals, they know my name." Nya spoke as Nyad took her form, "But how?"

Nyad was astonished to hear that.

"Perhaps my answers are beyond the sea?" Nya pondered.

Currents of flowing water warped around Nyad's torso and figure, forming a body.

"But we are bound to the sea. The surface is a world where we do not belong."

But Nyad had learned that once Nya had made up her mind, it would never be changed. Just like how she respected Nyad's decision to remain neutral, she respected the will of hers. She was unique, and unknowingly, it had changed her gradually. She had never kept her humanoid form for so long and frequent.

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