Episode 32-Faith in Miracles (Chapter 6)

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Where there is light, there will always be shadow.

There was a figure in white thrusting himself in thin air, landing his two hands on two golden spikes as the most torturous pain was conducted across his metallic gears, scorching his artificial skin.

All the figure could see, was the devil's face staring right at him, as they both slowly became consumed by the blizzard. The ninja in white closed his eyes, where the blackness awaited just for him.

A sudden return of consciousness sent panic across his mind as intense hyperventilation repeatedly reverberated within this small cockpit space he was in, deflecting the exhaled ice air back onto the breather's titanium skin.

Bright blue data was listed on the peripherals showcasing what seemed to look like a full-body status report. The auditory senses were in perfect condition, and only the titanium dermis was damaged. Everything seemed to be functioning, until Zane opened his eyes.

It was pitch black.

Zane ordered for an optical diagnosis, which led to another list of text reporting on the status of his eyes. The word 'impaired' was highlighted.

Although self-repair began to operate, Zane knew it would take too much time to waste in a current situation like this. His gloved fingers ran across the surface of the Dragon Jet's cockpit until sensing a small bump near the sides, pressing it. A breeze of air blew into his face, and all kinds of odd sounds could be heard much significantly louder.

The cockpit window must have ejected, Zane thought as he carefully stood up. He could hear the sounds of licking flames, giving off a pungent smell of soot, alongside constant rumbling in the distance as if buildings far away were toppling one by one like dominos. Yet with so much seemingly happening, he couldn't see a thing through his damaged optical sensors.

His right arm reached out, pulling up his sleeve to expose his titanium skin as it slowly opened up on its own, revealing the 'flesh'. A peculiar piece of titanium sprouted out of it, which upon exposure to the external environment, it started transforming and moulding itself into the shape of a bird. "My old friend." Zane said to the Falcon as it finished its transformation, perching on his arm, "Fly. And be my eyes."

He had no idea how long he had blacked out, but something was telling him that things had gone terribly wrong...

The Nindroid sprinted across the buildings with ease with the Falcon Vision's bird-eye view, allowing him to see every corner of detail he wouldn't normally see with his own. Despite the perfect vision, no sights of the Bounty were seen. Zane's saturated blue eyes stared at the ground as Falcon took a quick scour around, finding nothing but the ominous floating Oni Temple surrounded by flocks of flying Dragonoids.

Deeply worried, he rebooted his comm link, only to receive Jay's screech of fear blasting through his ears. Although Nindroids didn't have eardrums, it felt like his had just been torn clean off.

"AHHHHHHH" the scream continued as Zane tried his best to speak over Jay's frantic freak out episode, "Where are you guys? Is Wu safe?"

"Zane!!" He could hear the entire crew's mood lifting up, "Thank goodness you're alive! We were starting to think we'd lose you." Jay cried in relief.

"A plane crash won't kill me." Zane jokingly smiled, "I've gone through worse. However my vision has been impaired from the momentum of the crash so I am basically blind right now."

"Where is your location?" A worried Kai asked.

"I'm at Beetleward Street." Zane said as he snuck inside a dimly lit alleyway where the Dragonoids wouldn't spot his shiny reflection, "However I have my Falcon and his vision with me, so I do not require immediate assistance. How's your status?"

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