Episode 8-Grief and Grip (Chapter 2)

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One of the best advantages of being the Mayor is that one got to have a cozy office and often a lazy responsibility, letting the officials do the hard work.

A golf stick was set near a golf ball, ready to hit it with a moderate strength. Mayor Trustable, with one of his eyes closed, was deeply focused in hitting the ball into the hole, across the synthetic grass slope.

A sudden slam of the door caused his concentration to go completely off track, hitting the ball across the office as it richocheted the room, almost hitting his pet cat.

"Mayor Trustable?" Dwayne called for him, inadvertently catching the golf ball with a single hand, "Uh the ninja are here to see you."

Clearly annoyed by the fact that he was distracted, Ulysses Trustable put down his golf stick, allowing them in.

Kai, Lloyd, Zane, Jay, Cole and Zane walked in, surprising the Mayor. "Oh it's you guys. I thought it was the New Ninja." He—heck, the entire city hadn't seen them in two years, and now those fruit ninja randomly showed up in the middle of his golf time.

Zane stood in front of the other ninja, noting the ninja that he will do the talking. "Sir, we humbly request for something risky but important to the team."

"What is it?" Trustable casually asked, caressing the surface of his luxurious leather seat.

"We have discovered a way to save Nya." Lloyd said.

"Mhm that's great. I'm listening." He picked up the golf stick, ready to hit the ball again.

Cole looked at Kai, slightly annoyed by the Mayor's odd behaviour.

Kai glanced back at him and Jay.

"However, the only way to have her return, requires the assistance of one Kryptarium prisoner." Zane continued, but right before he could say who it was, he was already cut off by the Mayor.

"Nope. Not happening. No one is leaving their bars, and no special exceptions, especially prisoners of Kryptarium." He said, as he successfully shot the ball in the hole.

A sense of panic went into Jay's mind. Lloyd put his hand on his shoulder, saying "Sir, please. We need to help Nya. After all she's done for the city, we owe it to her."

"And I owe it to all the little people who voted for me, not to let the worst villains in this city's history out of prison." The Mayor snapped with total absolute, "Now if you don't mind, I gotta get back to work."

"Forget it Lloyd, don't bother." Cole sighed as he left the room first, following with Kai and then the others.

"I told you, requesting the Mayor of such a thing will must likely not end in our favour." Zane said as they stood inside the lift back at home.

Ever since the Vengestone incident, the ninja have been staying inside the Hangar Bay for more hours than normal. The only times they spent time in the Monastery itself was for sleeping, eating, cleaning, and checking up on Wu's paperclip project, which he had been working before all of this began.

For once this time, they found Wu inside, analyzing Nya's vitals.

The ninja weren't going to rest either.

Lloyd entered the Bay, picking his words as he walked. "If the Mayor won't let Aspheera out of Kryptarium legally, then we have to break her out illegally."

"Lloyd, I cannot condone this. This is not the way to help Nya." Wu said as he stepped out of the chair, concerned of what his nephew was up to.

"What other choice is there? We're out of options, Master Wu." Wu could see the vexation in Lloyd's eyes, "It's this, or nothing."

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