Episode 18-Benefit of Grief

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Mr. E's ripped off arm was tied to the back of Zane as he, Kai and Dareth walked across the vast lands of coarse sands.

This was one of those times when the question would pop in Zane's mind, allowing him to ponder on his thoughts instead of constantly focusing on the harsh environment at hand.

He wondered how long he hadn't felt human.

The size of the three in the desert had no difference compared to that of three scarabs.

Zane remembered the past self, when he did in fact have feelings. He remembered how scared and how devastated he was after Nya's departure, and it seemed like no logic could heal his heart.

He did not feel such a thing now.

He remembered how he once said that he feared becoming a mindless robot. It must have taken him some effort and a lot of mental damage to cause him to take this route. To relinquish humanity, he wouldn't need to feel the pain from loss, the bloodlust from rage, and all the potential damage it could cause.

Although it would be a shame to waste the feelings from positivity, the benefits outweigh the negatives. Either it was a means of escape, or a necessary change for the evolution of himself, there was no regrets, because he wouldn't feel it.

He was a robot that thought, nothing more.

Zane soon realised that he had lost himself in his thoughts, seeing how distant he was to the others. But then he understood that it was them that were too slow, due to exhaustion, excessive heat, and thirst.

Assuming that they were walking at the average human speed of 3 miles per hour, and that they had walked for at least an hour, there was only less than halfway left. It would be easy and simple to get there, but that was only for a Nindroid who didn't tire out.

Normally Kai could perform much better, but the body limitations from the heat and such must be weakening him and Dareth.

The two panted and sweated as Zane observed a road nearby. Zane conjured a freezing blow of cold, and offered them chunks of ice for replenishments.

"Thank you." Dareth cried, sitting down for a brief break.

"How much longer do we need to go?" Kai asked, enjoying himself in the frost from the Titanium Ninja's hand.

"That would be around 50 minutes or so." He said, "But the weather is the harshest at this time, so it would be much more difficult for you two."

"You–you can shoot us with ice right?" Dareth asked

"No." Zane coldly replied, "Long usage of elemental power will drain me. Thus putting a disadvantage for us when we track the Crystal King and its forces when we return."

"Well." Dareth cleared his throat, "I say we could get there faster than 50." He pointed at a cyan van from afar, driving in their direction.

Without another word, Zane saw Kai sprinting towards the road with his arms waving. He and Dareth did the same, successfully catching the driver's attention as the van slowly drove back to them.

Zane activated his cloaking device, turning him into human form before she noticed. He stood with Kai as he heard the most unreasonable response to the driver's question, saying that they were camping in the middle of the desert with cosplays. Yet somehow the female driver had no suspicion, seeing how Kai and Dareth quickly made good terms with her in less than a minute.

This was good. If they somehow get her to drive them to Twitchy, or at least somewhere nearby, they would have a headstart.

It took a genuine while for Zane to actually see the large bundles of cardboard boxes stacked up on top of the car, being poorly tied together with some low quality rope. He was surprised the ropes held all the belongings for so long.

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