Episode 27-Reunion, Part I

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The ninja of fire stood inside the cold hall of the Samurai X cave, with his head facing towards the giant screens hung on the ceiling.

"Sorry." There was a familiar Metalonian accent's voice coming from the screen, "Vengestone Warrior also appear in Metalonia. Karloff must defend my people." The elemental master of metal said hastily while landing a giant blow on a Vengestone Warrior's face, sending it out of camera's view. Kai found it interesting how although the metal covering Karloff's body couldn't do anything with fighting them, it did prevent them from touching his flesh. With Karloff's brute strength and an impenetrable skin, those crystal heads really didn't stand much of a chance one on one with the goliath.

Kai kept tapping his arm with his finger, standing with his arms crossed, "How about others from the Elemental Alliance? Shade, Turner, Ash, anyone?"

"Sorry. Pretty sure Karloff's situation's the same with all of us." Shade's heavy voice came over, "Those walkers are everywhere, not just in Ninjago City. Everyone's got a lot on their plate. There ain't much we can do right now."

Shade was right, Kai thought. It had only been less than 24 hours after the emergence of that floating island, and now everything was coming apart. Crystal attackers and beasts have been found all over the place. The other elemental masters couldn't afford to just leave their positions to gather at Ninjago City, with the cost of the invasion of their homeland.

"We'll see what we can do." Neuro said gloomily, "But for now, I'm afraid we're on our own."

Kai sighed, accepting the way that it was, "Thanks."

"Good luck out there, ninja." Turner said, before disconnecting from the meeting.

"Good luck to all of you." Kai replied, disconnecting as well.

The other ninja have been doing the same, contacting as many allies they could get, but nobody seemed to be available. It made sense, since the Crystal invasion was world-wide, but it scared Kai of whether they could afford another similar large-scale attack like this, with Ninjago's forces scattered across unable to unite as one.

"No hope with the Elemental Alliance," Kai sighed as he returned to the main room, where everyone gathered, "How about you guys?"

"Same with Shintaro." Cole sighed, "The kingdom's under attack right now so Vania couldn't afford the risk of sending troops for our aid." He casually summoned a pebble out of thin air, throwing it into the dark pits with a large groan of frustration.

"I lost all contact with my mercenary partners." Skylor adjusted his untied crimson hair, "They're panicking, just like the civilians."

She was right. Clips revealing the warriors have been all over the internet. Not to mention the sudden earthquakes attacking everywhere, it wouldn't be a surprise to see a panicked Ninjago City, especially with the Mayor in charge.

Meanwhile Zane approached Pixal, who was still studying the molecular structure of the shard they had retrieved. "Pixal," Zane nervously said, "Do you have a moment?"

"Why yes?" She removed her spectacles, shifting her attention to Zane. She noticed the uneasiness within him. Something must have been bothering him for quite some time, she thought.

She reached out her hand to hold Zane's, "What is it?"

The Nindroid sighed as he reached something from his bag, pulling out a long, black object. Pixal slowly examined it, realising that it was an arm.

"I acquired this from the fight against Mr.E, when we were fighting in Kryptarium Prison." He explained, "This is his arm I broke off from him."

Pixal's two slender hands picked it up. Under the black cloth was the actual hand itself, layers of rusted metal that made its Nindroid skin, suggesting that Mr.E had been around for quite some time.

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