Stupid Tornado Warning

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There's a tornado warning and slugterrafreak's chapter won't load ugh

We're taking selfies and videos in our basement because why not

I was at a softball game and we were creaming our rivals and then there was some lightning. The rule is we have to wait 30 minutes after a lightning strike, so we chilled out in the dugouts. I had drank like 2 full bottles of water so I went to the bathroom real quick.

I come out and half the people are leaving xD

They decided to cancel to game. So we drove home and along with the ran and lightning it started to hail. Yay. My mom called my dad (who was driving) and asked where we were. Dad said we had a tornado watch (which means there are CONDITIONS for a tornado) so I was calm.

We get home and discover that we have a tornado WARNING, which means there's a funnel cloud. So instead of freaking out I am TICKED AS HECK BECAUSE IF I KNEW I WAS GONNA BE IN THE BASEMENT FOR AGES I WOULD HAVE GRABBED THE CRACKERS IN MY BATBAG LIKE IT WAS ONLY FOUR INNINGS BUT I AM HUNGRY


UPDATE: finally the tornadoes are gone, everyone is fine and safe, and I am getting pizza

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