20 Facts Challenge and an Interesting Social Studies Lesson

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I'll get to the second part of the title later. In the meanwhile, here's my 20 Facts Challenge, given by Slugcat!

1. The concepts of eternity and infinity kinda scare me. Also spiders and needles but those are not as interesting lo

2. I close myself up a LOT, I'm a bit of an Elsa. If something's wrong, I probably won't tell anyone

3. I get stressed out SO EASILY it's really stupid xD

4. Wattpad stories aside, the farthest I've ever gotten in an original story is about 15 pages. I'm hoping to turn that around with Hero Academy, though!

5. I am extremely quiet and introverted. I don't like the spotlight.

6. I like singing, but guys, I really can't sing :D I just like pretending that I can. I'm usually humming something from RWBY or songs like Hall of Fame. [in the car right now singing. I'm so fancyyyy why am I singing this song it's annoying]

7. I get all As and it's a wonder how. Like for instance I have three tests and a quiz tomorrow but I just spent an hour decorating a pumpkin with softball teammates and now I'm on Wattpad xD

8. I'm in gifted classes- 'advanced math', pretty much freshman algebra. I skipped seventh grade math. For those wondering, even in high school math isn't any better :D I'm also in the Gifted and Talented (GAT Program) Reading. Basically boring books like The Giver, Fahrenheit 451, Of Mice and Men, The Outsiders, Across Five Aprils, Diary of Anne Frank, and other boring books I'd never read unless I had to.

9. I'm a semi decent artist. I love drawing my OCs and other characters. I recently had to quickly erase a Junjie off my math homework before I turned it in ^-^* and I also just painted a shark on a pumpkin (our team is the Sharks) and people were extremely impressed. I guess it was good, considering I used some girl's sweatshirt as a reference :3

10. I have so many animals. Mira, Tigerlily, Athose, Dartanion, Fluffy, Fluffy #2, Muffin, Cupcake, Bellatrix, Twist, Castiel, Sam, Dean, Ranger, Halt, Will, Gilan and a stray that hangs around our house, Hydrox. And those are just the outdoor cats. Tinkerbell is our indoor cat who bites my nose if I oversleep and meows really loud if I'm up late. Dogs, we have three German Shepherds. Bus, Disney, and Ava. Ducks, Donald and Daisy. Rabbit, a Holland Lop, Caramel, who bites me if I don't pet her right (high maintenance bunny??). Cattle, Mrs. Easter Bunny, Mrs. Midnight, Pepper, Anna, Rocky, and multiple others who don't really have names

11. I'm a Disney freak, I could quote any of their movies. Anyone who says you outgrow Disney needs some pixie dust thrown in their face

12. I play softball a lot- like all the time. Every day. I play for our local team and a club team called the Sharks. My glove is held together by duct tape, because I don't wanna get a new one. Also I'm in love with my Demarini bat

13. I'm antisocial, unless you're in my ring of 5-6 friends, don't even try to talk to me :D

14. I doodle all over my papers. A LOT. Like, I once turned in social studies notes with a full out Storm Hawks battle scene between Aerrow and the Dark Ace. My teacher's face was priceless

15. My biggest weakness is that, as a perfectionist, I strive to know everything. That's why I hate infinity and eternity, along with other ideas and such, because we don't know much about it. And space. And boys.

16. I've never dated a guy, don't plan to in a while

17. I have a crooked finger, bam what. In 3rd grade, when I was first in the gifted reading program here, my class (only three of us made it in- another girl and a boy) dipped our hands in paint and made handprints. Mine was... interesting. They're still hanging up on our class wall and mine still looks weird :D

18. I'm a stereotypical nerdy good-girl. I'll follow rules, get things turned in on time, not lie [usually], etc.

19. My nickname (in real life, not exactly Wattpad) is Chi.

Last spring, me, my friend, her parents and her grandparents were all going bowling. On the little electronic scoreboard, though, you could only have three letters. So my friend's mom was just going to put in the first three letters of my name. But she skipped a letter so it ended up 'CHI'. The name stuck.

20. I like all kinds of music. Seriously, my playlist is crazy, going from Fall Out Boy to Lindsey Stirling to Carrie Underwood to Aerosmith to Eminem. I like all kinds of songs and styles.

Whew! That was hard!

Okay, now I gotta challenge someone, right?

I challenge you. Yep, you, reading this right now. Everyone else is gonna think I'm talking to them, but I mean you. If you haven't done this challenge already, I want you to do it! I wanna know more about my readers :)

Anyways, to part two of this chapter!

We're doing American History in social studies (basically history class) and we were talking about the founder of one of our states, Pennsylvania. It was founded by this rich guy, William Penn. Penn.

So yeah I went through the rest of the lesson thinking 'Artha and Lance Penn Dragon Booster ahhhh!!!!'

Nice to know I'm paying attention in school, huh?

Hey I got the question about him on our test right. Good thing it was multiple choice because I probably would have written Artha/Lance Penn haha

I need a life.

The New Shane's update is almost done I swear I'm speed typing in the dentist office here

Cyan out!

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