'Bae'? Really...?

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I do some ranting here, and I will say now, these are my opinions. If you disagree with them, hey, by all means, post it in the comments if you can be polite about it.

This is dedicated to commenters, I'd choose formally but I'm out of town with only my phone, so I can't dedicate stuff. As far as I am aware.

I'm going through all my snapchat stories, and I can't even understand half of them

"lovin dese baseball games w/ meh bae"

"i'm so fancyy, 2 fierce 4 uuuu"

"hangin out w/ my bb, <3 u bae"

"with meh besties. dem faces doe"


Let's go to the first one

"Dese"??? I guess they mean 'these'? Where did the starting things with 'd' instead of 'th' come from?

Dese, dem, dat, doe, I mean come on, is it just that difficult to pronounce the 'th' sound? Go back to preschool, folks, they can help ya.

Them there's this 'bae' stuff. Like the 'Do you got a bae, or nah?' Is that how we're asking people if they have a girlfriend/boyfriend now?

What does 'bae' even mean?? Like, babe or baby or something? Again, is it that hard to say babe or baby or just boy/girlfriend?

On to the next one.


I hate this word now.

Just because of that ONE song, everywhere I go people are singing "I'm so fancyyyy". Are you rich or something? What does 'fancy' mean for you all then?

Then there's 'fierce', almost as bad as fancy.

Fierce is used to describe a storm. Or a fighter or something. The word 'fierce' instantly triggers the thought 'violent' for me.

What, are you too violent for me?

Okay then.

Next one. 'bb'. What does that mean? Baby? Baby has, like, TWO more letters, is it just that hard to say baby? Again, it's like 'bae'.

And then the last one. I used the word 'meh', but I use it like someone says 'eh' or 'whatever'.

Meh does not mean my.

I Googled it:




expressing a lack of interest or enthusiasm.

"Meh. I'm not impressed so far"



uninspiring; unexceptional.

"a lot of his movies are ... meh"

And guys, 'meh' is NOT A SHORTER WORD THAN 'ME'. 'ME' IS SHORTER THAN 'MEH'. So that excuse can't be made.

And then again with the dem and the doe.

I just...



Okay I'm done.

Are there any modern words/terms that annoy you? Tell me in the comments!

Comments and votes are much appreciated!! (:

Cyan out!

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