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So I just updated my Slugterra FaceBook story

And like a minute later someone was commenting

And then votes came in

And more comments

Dang you guys read fast :D

I'm not complaining or anything though :D


At least for me, the school year is coming up fairly quickly. So I thought I'd talk a bit about the kinda of teachers at my school, or at least the ones I had last year

The Fun but Strict One

This is definitely my English 7 teacher. If you did what she asked, got your work done, and didn't talk back, she was really nice and fun

But if you didn't, she would be very strict on you.

So it p*sses me off when kids would complain about her. Yeah, she would be mean to THEM, 'cause they were lazy and would literally refuse to do any work. Like, there was one boy who simply didn't do anything. And I know because I would grade papers for her :D

The Totally Fun One

My Science 7 teacher.

That one teacher who will let you get away with pretty much anything, as long as you aren't harming other classmates

Which happened once. Well, twice, I guess.

1. These boys were making fun of me because I watch Slugterra. Which is apparently a crime or something. Anyways, they were saying some rude things and the teacher got pretty mad, and gave them so many sentences

Like, combined, it was a couple pages

2. A boy (purposefully) elbowed me pretty hard

He got yelled at, sent to the hallway like a little kid, and got 100 sentences

It was almost worth being elbowed XD

But yeah, this is just the kind of teacher that will give you free days and won't get mad over the sound effects (mainly yells) of boys getting their butts kicked in Minecraft Hunger Games. And give candy. Oh man. I love candy-giving teachers.

The Kind and Quiet One

My Pre-Algebra teacher. Just sort of neutral, never really too energetic or hyped up, but nice nonetheless. A nice teacher to have at the beginning of the day when you're still kinda waking up.

There's not much to them, but they're great to have :)

The How-Is-She/He-A-Teacher One

My Social Studies 7 teacher. (Basically History)

How did they even get this job

WHY did they even get this job

Why are they teaching teenagers if they hate teenagers

They're just unenthusiastic and my teacher has this terrible droning voice like the History of Magic teacher in Harry Potter, it just makes you wanna fall asleep

And then it's in Social Studies (History), already the most boring (and stupidest) class

Now, my teacher is pretty nice. For some reason, she just LOVES me, I could do anything I wanted in that classroom. Grade papers for her, play on my phone, do solo work while everyone else has to have partners. But oh my gods, she would always give us group work

I don't like people, okay

So stop

The Teacher Who You Wanna Just Tell Them They Suck at Teaching

Really, if you can' teach, don't be a teacher

I learned NOTHING from my Health 7 teacher. I had to do extra reading and stuff to understand any of it

Health was awful. All she would do is flipping complain about the obnoxious boys in the class. And honestly, I got stuck in the WORST class. The girls were outnumbered like 4 to 12 or 13 xD

Except (for some reason) this teacher loved me too, so I could do whatever. So (with some persuasion) I got to sit next to my friend and guy-who-has-a-crush-on-me-and-I-don't-know-if-I-have-a-crush-back. :D Seriously though he was the only boy in that class who wasn't an obnoxious jerk.

Actually he would yell at any boy who was mean to me

Hehe I'm getting off topic.

The Teacher You Just Like

I've had the same Gifted and Talented Reading and English teacher since 3rd grade. And she is so nice, and while she won't exactly let us get away with stuff, she's a good teacher and isn't mean.

But I can never pinpoint exactly what I like about her

Lol we talk like friends, I'll ask how her sons are (they go to a different school, but one went to preschool with me), she'll ask me how softball is going, all that fun stuff

I guess it's just that we've bonded in all the years I've had her lol

Except this year is my last one with her. Then I move to high school.


The One You Just HATE

Our school is so stereotypical

It's the gym teacher.

Also our neighbor.

Obnoxious, rude, inconsiderate, shall I continue? XD

He gets on my friend about not running fast enough. He. Gets. On. My. Cripple. Buddy. XD


I just can't even talk about this any more

He p*sses me off

So. Much.

So, what kind if teachers do/did you have at YOUR school? What kind of teacher id your favorite?

Cyan out!

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