Weird Dream

31 1 8

Man it's been like 8 years since I've updated this

Not really but you all know what I mean

I kinda got reminded about Wattpad again last night because I had a WEIRD dream

So it was kinda like Sword Art Online where if you play a video game then you're in it, and somehow AllyLeAuthor made this big Camp Half-Blood Minecraft server with her friends and it was crazy popular. Like thousands of players at a time popular. The map was huge like it had the whole world where you could go on quests AND the actual camp.

So I see it (somehow? probably Tumblr or something) and join the server and it takes ages because it's so huge with so many people but I meet Ally and we're chilling and she basically goes "ohhhhhh by the way JohnnyBoiValdezi and YearlyAquariAce are here too" and basically the rest of the dream was us going on this big adventure fighting monsters and stuff. Somehow the Achievement Hunter guys were there, I think they were just hanging out at the camp or something

Weirdest way to get back to being active on Wattpad but whatever works

Cyan out

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