Am I The Only One Who Does This...

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I have my phone at night when I shouldn't (yeah, I admit to the crime! Sue me. :D)

My room that I share with my little sister is on the second floor of our house. There's a little five/six step staircase leading up here. Then two turns and my room, where my bunk bed is (I'm on top. Ha I feel awesome up here :P)

I have my phone all prepared. Brightness down, volume off, ringer off, vibrate off, and 'Do Not Disturb' on. Because I feel all sneaky doing it and not getting caught

And I can tell when someone is coming so well it's crazy. I can get my phone off and hidden under the hat of a stuffed bear- yes, I've got a couple stuffed animals on my bed, two frogs and a bear- and can be fake-asleep in a solid six seconds.

I can tell when it's Mom because she always stops at the sink of the kitchen, and then again in the downstairs bathroom, before coming upstairs. And I can tell from the noise of footsteps that it's her.

My older sister is harder. She doesn't make any stops, just cones straight upstairs. But her footsteps sound a lot like Mom's.

My dad is the hardest. He just comes upstairs. I used to be able to tell by the distance between footsteps that it's him, but lately he's discovered that and sneaks upstairs.

So as I'm in bed on my phone not suspecting a thing, he walks in the room as scares the crap out of me -_-

Like he just did a few minutes ago. Why do they feel the need to do that.

On good nights, I can get away with just about anything. Being up till 1 am reading without anyone suspecting a thing? Easy.

But on BAD nights when I don't hear them until they're coming up the stairs, I'm kinda screwed. Because my bed creaks. So. Much. Just turning around makes it creak. Getting stuff hidden really fast and making myself look asleep in a few seconds with a super creaky bed is really hard :D they get to my room and I'm busted because they could hear me from the basement... Real sneaky, huh? Stupid creaky mattress -_-

That's actually how I'm typing this right now, keeping hidden, but I won't post it until tomorrow.

I can tell where everyone is just by listening. Little sis is in the bed next to me playing with her Anna and Elsa dolls (with some weird sound effects coming from over there...). Dad just came inside from letting the cattle out and is washing his hands, about to come upstairs, so I gotta hurry with this paragraph. Mom is in her room on her computer. My older sister is in her room texting. Oh and my cat is on my dresser, trying to weave through my pencils and drawings so she can get to my bunk. And now she's jumping. And now she's laying down on my feet. Greaaat.

Gods I have so much time on my hands.

Lol then there's times where I totally screw up and people come into my room and I don't even notice until they're right there because I'm so tied up in whatever I'm doing. One time I had been pushing my luck and had my laptop on my bed so I could play Wizards 101, at 11:00 at night for some reason. My mom came in the room and I just kinda half closed it. Our room has a string of Christmas lights on the window because my little sister doesn't like sleeping in the dark- although I LOVE it, I love sleeping when it's pitch black- so you could probably see the laptop very easily. Mom just walked in, got some laundry, looked at me and didn't react, and walked out.

So I guess parents can be really blind sometimes.

Like, blind enough to see a 12" computer screen where I'm dueling monsters, apparently.

Do you ever do stuff at night? What do you do? Play games? Do homework? Have you ever gotten caught before?

It's pretty much a game at my house, trying to catch me. My parents always suspect I'm doing something but they can never prove it.

I feel like I'd make a great detective or a great criminal

Hopefully the first... XD

Cyan out!

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