Q&A Chapter!

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Here it is, the Q&A Chapter, that will be continuously updated if more questions will come - which would be greeeeaaat!!!! I'll make a note in my latest chapters if this chapter gets updated :)

Lol I only got three questions but whatever they were nice

Warning: May contain spoilers for Slugterra episodes ^-^

On with the questions!

From @slugterrafreak:

Favourite episode of Slug Terra?


That is very hard :D

I think either Unbeatable Master or Light as Day (I've heard in some places it's called Bright as Day)

Unbeatable Master was great. The episode and the character. I liked the episode because Eli develops a bit as a Shane, and Twist hesitated. Just sayin. I feel like Olaf from Frozen. "You hesitated." Seriously though, when Eli said that Twist was backing the wrong guy, he hesitated. :3 I have this hope that Twist sees the light. Anyways, I was EXTREMELY upset when Blakk... well... yeah.

Then Light as Day just because, come on, that was awesome. With the Dark Bane and the portal and the Eli going in it, it was just intense :D I also like something Blakk says to Eli, when he's holding Eli down in the portal so Burpy can't get him. "We're going down together!" Well, in the last episode of Storm Hawks, Piper begins to fall off a tower (long story) and Aerrow catches her (I ship them XD) and says "If we have to go down, we're going down together." So lol

I mean they were said in two COMPLETELY different contexts, but you get the point


Okay next question

Age? (I know somebody asked me this but my head is being stupid I can't remember who lol)

I'm 14, I was born on August 9th. But people usually mistake me for being 15, sometimes even 16.


Question from @slugterrafreak for Alana

What is one thing you like about Eli and one thing you don't like about Eli?

Alana: Hm...

Well, one thing I like about him is his personality, I guess. He's heroic, a little cocky at times, does a lot of stupid stuff, he's, well, a Shane. He's a great slinger and he cares about his slugs.

One thing I don't like? Probably his looks. Not like that- he isn't bad looking, but, he looks like his dad. Will. And I really miss Will- I assume most of you all know that I mistook him for Will when I first woke up at the hideout, after I got hit by that Thrasher. It just makes me feel guilty about now saving Will all over again- but don't tell Eli. He doesn't know the whole story about me being there yet.


Those are all the questions I got for now! I'd love to get some more so I can add to this! :D Remember, now the OCs can get questions, too!

I'm still marveling over the insanity of Return of the Elementals

Cyan out!

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