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Dedicated to Dat_John_Stone for that funny sibling story :D And shoutout to EdithWong3, that sibling story sounded like a pain xD

Now, I love sports. Playing and watching.

I play softball

And holy crap I care too much about it

We had a really close game earlier, it was up and down all game. Finally, we came back and WRECKED the other team >=3 And although we won, I was fairly upset

I had struck out, which got me very POed at myself

I had a decent hit. Which they caught. Barely. But they still caught it.

And I bunted once, which is when we sorta tap the ball instead of hitting it, and although I did it with my RockeTech bat (made for hitting, not bunting) I had a decent bunt and got on base

HOWEVER, I had a TERRIBLE error at first base, I got a throw from 3rd base, who is a wild thrower, and it was super fast, hard, and low throw. It got through my legs and let the girl get to second and eventually she scored, tying up tue game

Anyways, I was (still kinda am) just DEVASTATED that I managed to screw up that bad, and it wasn't even that big of an error... lol. I worry way to much

BUT I could never even think about giving softball up. Softball is my life.

So I gotta get over my feelings :D

One big downside to softball (or any sport, in general) : THE BALL IS NOT SOFT. WHEN ONE IS HIT WITH THE BALL, IT HURTS. A LOT.

I got hit pretty hard in the back of the head.

Since then I can't really eat whole meals, and according to others I just seem "off".

Not to mention I'm terrified of it happening again, so I'm constantly aware of any possibilities of me getting hit

Anyways, I get at the game and my buddy (we'll call her Lisa) and Lisa is very good with medics for her age, she could definitely be a doctor. She's shining stuff in my face and watching my eyes dilate and stuff, asking if I got concussion tests and all that

Well she kept checking me. The. Entire. Game. She even called a few timeouts while she was pitching, we'd all huddle up and she'd talk to us about keeping our heads in the game, we'd high-five her and stuff, and she'd stop me and ask me if I feel ok. I kept saying "Yeah, I'm fine" over and over, while really I was tired and achy but that's normal for me. Mom also said I looked like I was just hating the world today but that's normal too

"Okay. You just look really off to me." she would say.

I checked my reflection. I looked in a mirror. I don't see anything different

What does 'off' look like??? Tell me please if anyone would happen to know :D

I also really want to do swimming. Everyone talks about 5 a.m. practice and such, and how exhausting it is, but to me that sounds like fun. The practice, not the exhausting. I don't get enough sleep as-is, but swimming in the morning just sounds brilliant. I'm a great swimmer and can hold my breath for a while, I can't wait to try out for the high school team

As far as I'm aware, you cannot get hit in the head while swimming

Unless the universe just REALLY hates you

I feel like I'm going to become emotionally attached to swimming, too.

Sports are great. But sometimes they really suck.

Like when you have a terribly close game.

Or get hit in the head.


So, anybody out there play any sports? If so, what do you play? And if the sport requires it, what is your position?

Next dedication will go to a commenter, there isn't many stories to be told with this topic but if you have a story, by all means, share! xD

Cyan out!

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