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I spent the last couple of days going through some of my favorite movies. So it's been Harry Potter, Epic, Earth to Echo (just saw it in theaters a few hours ago. Love, love, loved it), Aquamarine, Princess Diaries, Frozen, The Avengers, Captain America, Spider-Man, Slugterra: Ghoul From Beyond, stuff like that :)

So of course the house is out of popcorn

Anyways, I am really back into all these movies, and I can rattle off a crap load of movie quotes.

I just LOVED Earth to Echo. I liked the way it was filmed, with the characters narrating and taking the video. And Echo was just adorable. It was funny and a cute movie, and I kinda wanna go see it again. Nah, no kinda, I really want to see it again. I'll probably talk my big sister into taking me :D

My current text tone is the little beeping sound Echo, well, echoes.

I'm watching some of the older movies. Princess Diaries and stuff like that, I forgot how good they can be! And Aquamarine is just awesome. I love that movie. Even though it's kinda old and not exactly full of plot twists or anything.

For more recent movies, I can't wait 'till Spider-Man 2 comes out on DVD. That movie rocked. Although I almost cried at the end. But whatever. It was still awesome, and I'm already excited for Spider-Man 3.

This summer overall has been pretty good for movies. Transformers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, How to Train Your Dragon 2, Earth to Echo. And then, soon, Guardians of the Galaxy (mixed feelings on it, but I guess you can't just it until you see it), and BEST OF ALL, SLUGTERRA: RETURN OF THE ELEMENTALS COMES OUT IN AUGUST.

I might get to go see it on my birthday, I'm so excited!

Anyways, today we snuck in some candy into the movie theater... no way we were paying for expensive movie candy :D I had a Milky Way in my pocket and my sister's M&M packet in my jacket hood. I felt pretty dang sneaky, guys, I really did.

I've always wanted to try and sneak ice cream from Dairy Queen's in. Just because. I wanna see if I'd get caught. Which, of course, I won't. Despite common (MAYBE TRUE) belief, I CAN be stealthy

If I wanted to


I just wrote this entire thing using my left hand, my cat is asleep on my right arm.


I'm pretty proud of myself.

Anyways, what are some of your favorite movies?

What is your favorite movie that you've seen this year?


Have you ever snuck in anything into a theater? If so, what?

I need to go finish Princess Diaries 2.

Cyan out!

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