My Birthday

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Today (August 9th) is my birthday! Also Slugterreancat's birthday, so shout out to her! :)

Anyways, my birthday was pretty abnormal, so I thought you all might wanna hear how it went.

8:00 AM

Just got out of bed... ugh I'm tired

There are white streamers and other blue decorations everywhere :D My cat is going nuts with the balloons.


9:29 AM

Getting ready for softball tryouts!

So far I've gotten markers, notebooks and Milky Way candies. My mom said I could get stuff while shopping, because I never really told what I wanted- I didn't really want anything

2:04 PM

Finished tryouts. They tested us on running speed (crap I'm a terrible runner), infielding, outfielding, and batting. I did okay running, fairly decent infielding, good outfielding, great hitting. We did so much stuff. I'm super tired.

Gonna sneak in a nap before we go to the mall...

2:49 PM

So we got to the mall and are in Barnes and Noble (a book store)

It's crazy here

They're having some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle thing going on, there's little boys with nunchucks and swords wearing ninja masks running around. Then they had a martial arts guy come in, so while I'm trying to find my Maximum Ride books, these kids are yelling and punching stuff and breaking boards.

3:50 PM

I got so many books, then they had FREE Maximum Ride posters with Fang on them, so I got one of them, too! :)

Book-wise, I got:

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You

Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy

Maximum Ride: The Final Warning

Maximum Ride: Max

And then I got a Barnes and Noble gift card so I could get some eBooks that they didn't have at the store

Then I got a really fuzzy shirt at Justice, and my little sister bought me a little dolphin necklace (she made it clear that SHE bought it on her own. Basically, she pulled a Lilo and Stitch, my older sister gave her the money and my little one gave it to the cashier. But whatever)

9:00 PM

We had dinner with my Grandma, then went back home. Lol my cousin (magentaXsparks) was talking to my mom and sent her this- oh, an by the way, 'Cina' is my nickname:

... Cina picked out a shirt and let u buy it for her?

Ohmygosh, my theory is being proven correct- aliens figured out how smart C is, abducted her so she can help them make machines and strategies to take over the earth, and replaced her with a robot filled with info on how regular girly-girl teenagers act.

I started to form this theory when I texted her a picture of some boots I found at the store, and she said they were cute and wanted to know if I got them. 😳

So... yeah...

I guess liking boots and buying a shirt makes me an alien robot

Seems legit

I need some sleep.

Cyan out!

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