Insta :) and Smashing Pumpkins

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Made an Instagram account to share with y'all cause why the heck not. Sorry guys, my name and face are still classified :P but you can see drawings and stuff

It's xcyansparksx

Go follow, I'll follow back, and we can be nerds together :D

Okay, I know The New Shane needs an update. I'm working on it I promise!! It's hard to come up with some of this stuff, I could have this part of the storyline go so many ways

Anyways, there's a softball tournament called Smashing Pumpkins. And it got rained out

Also the tornado sirens were going off but I was too annoyed that we had to stop playing to care

But in the last game, if you win, you get to smash the other team's pumpkin. Teams paint their pumpkins before the games, I'll probably post an Instagram picture of our team's, cause I painted an awesome shark :D

But the last games got rained out

I didn't get to smash anyone's pumpkins


So, go follow my Instagram, xcyansparksx! I might start DA soon. Not sure.

Cyan out to go play Slug it Out! and what the heck the Unbeatable Master looks weird

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