Chapter 6

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The next couple days were easier then Thea had expected. Everyone had gone back to there own lives and forgotten all about it.

A couple of times Thea had noticed brae watching her out of the corner of her eye. Whenever she noticed him Thea would turn around and go the other way.

Thea was avoiding all eye contact completely from him. By not looking in his eyes this strange new feeling seemed to lessen.

Thea couldn't forgive what Brae had said especially when he had said it to Sarah. Sarah also had been avoiding her, Thea noticed.

Thea wasn't sure if they were dating but she did notice that they were hanging around each other lately.

After telling Wynn about what had happened, Wynn had gone crazy. She had wanted to go over to Brae's house right there and then and confront him. Luckily Thea was able to catch her and make her promise not to say anything.

It was hard at first convincing Wynn but after pulling the girl code, she seemed to calm down.

As it got closer to Friday Thea couldn't help but get more and more excited. She found she was really starting to like Nathan.

She had only spoken to him during class, since football practices before and after school had made walking together impossible.

With Nathan Thea found it was simpler then with Brae. There were no crazy emotions or connections. But it was easy to talk to him and she liked him.

Friday morning Thea hadn't seen Nathan or Brae at all. With the big game tonight all the players were getting ready.

That was something Thea didn't understand about the states. No matter who you were or where you lived Football trumped everything.

Walking towards the field for the game Thea hoped Wynn was already there. Thea didn't want to sit on the bleachers by herself watching them warm up.

Looking at the already over crowded stands filled with everyone from the town, Thea couldn't make out the one person she wanted.

Looking around again she noticed Brae's parents and her Dad waving at her. Waving back Thea smiled and looked away. Not being around Brae made it hard being around his family.

About to turn around again she saw Wynn running over.

"Sorry I am late I lost track of time." Wynn said apologetically walking up the stands looking for a spot.

"I am just glad you are here finally"

"Are you ready for your date. Which ones Nathan I don't think I have really seen him" Wynn said, she was wearing her jersey from James.

That's how we got to be such good friends, tons of time spent in the stands together. Though I was usually cheering for Brae.

"He's that one beside James, with the blond hair." Thea said pointing.

"Oh he's cute, though kind of small." Wynn said smiling.

"Small; he is not small." Thea felt a little sting at that comment. Like her guy wasn't measuring up.

"Compared to James and Brae he is small, compared to you I guess he's normal size." Wynn said feeling no problem calling down Thea's date.

Ignoring Wynn's comment completely "Are you coming to the party tonight, I heard you weren't feeling good" Thea said feeling concern for her; she hope Wynn wasn't feeling too bad.

"It was just a headache, no way am I missing this party, you're bringing a date, and I can't wait to see Brae's face. It will serve him right." Wynn said smiling widely bringing up the one thing Thea was ignoring.

Though Thea wasn't sure she cared what Brae thought at the moment.

"Who cares what Brae thinks" Thea said looking around, hoping Brae's family hadn't heard. Its not like it was any secret, she just didn't want any problems.

She hadn't spent any time with them since the fight with Brae she hoped that it wasn't a permanent thing.

"It's starting" Wynn yelled jumping up and down. The guys smiled and waved as they ran past.

When the game started, Thea felt herself drift away. Thea kept thinking about her date tonight.

Watching him on the field Thea realized that he was very good-looking, not as good as Jake, also Wynn was right compared to the others he did seem kind of small.

Trying to shake herself out of Wynn's comment she tried to focus on the date. It was a simple date diner burger and party. But it symbolized so much more. Thea was growing up and it felt good.

Suddenly Thea noticed that everybody on our team and on the stands had stood up and cheered. Did that mean it was over already, she hadn't been paying much attention at all.

Thea made her way down to the field to celebrate with Wynn when she felt arms go around her from behind.

"We won" Nathan said spinning Thea around and hugging her. She felt herself fill with excitement as she looked into his eyes smiling back at her. Thea guessed this is what its like to be going out with someone for real.

"Just let me shower and I'll be right out, okay" Nathan said, landing a kiss on her cheek and walking away towards the locker rooms, "You can use the girls to change."

Looking down at herself Thea got confused. She was wearing black skinny jeans, boots a scooped bottom shirt and her short fitted leather jacket.

"I don't need to change this is what I'm wearing."

"Oh ok are you sure you wouldn't rather wear a dress we are going to a party." Nathan said walking back and lowering his voice.

"I know these are my party clothing, I am not really a dress girl." Thea said trying to smile back. She had never felt self conscious before in what she wore.

"Well next time I guess you can dress in one" Nathan said jogging away with a frown. Thea didn't think so. She knew he meant the short tight dresses that a lot of the other girls wore to parties.

Thea didn't think she would ever be comfortable in one of those though.

Turning around to find where Wynn had gone. Thea locked eyes with Brae. The power in them almost made her fall over. All the confusing feelings from the other day came rushing back.

They stood there just staring at each other for what seemed like hours. Thea was just about to walk over when she saw his eyes harden and turn black.

She could tell by his expression he was mad. Feeling a pain that was worse then anything she had ever felt go through her, she tried to step forward.

That was when Thea felt Nathans' arm go around her. Looking back over to Brae she noticed he had disappeared into the crowd. Hiding her disappointment she smiled up at Nathan.

"Ready" Nathan said smiling back oblivious on what had just happened.

"Yes let's go."


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Every Vote and Comment I receive motivates me to write more. I love this story and every fan inspires me.

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