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"Is this your way of taking over the mission?" Michonne wondered.

I rolled my eyes as I went to stand next to her as we looked down into the valley. The sound of walkers was almost deafening. Every nerve in my body told me to get away from there. Seeing thousands of walkers in one place will do that to a person.

"Hardly. I'll be on guard duty tomorrow so I want to know what we're dealing with here." I explained.

Glenn let me tag along with him and the others. I felt safer knowing where they would be and how it was all going to play out. A reasoning even Rick accepted. He said to keep close and stick with the group. More words from him than I got all morning.

"We got it covered." Michonne reassured me.

I nodded as we rejoined the group. Rick walked to the front so he could face all of us. Our eyes met for a brief moment before he looked away.

"I know this sounds insane, but it's an insane world. We have to come for them before they come for us. It's that simple." He explained.

I crossed my arms on my chest as I looked at the herd of walkers. Having seen them, I understand Carter's reservations about the plan. There were so many of them. More than I'd ever seen in one place.

"This is where it all starts tomorrow. Tobin gets in the truck, opens the exit and we're off. He hops out, catches up with his team at red staying on the west side of the road. Daryl gets on his bike-"

Rick was cut off by a loud sound coming from the valley. Sasha pointed our direction to one of trucks blocking the exit of the valley. We all watched as piece by piece, the truck tumbled down freeing space for the walkers to run.

The color drained out of my face as I watched them move, almost in slow motion. I was brought out of it by the sound of yelling. My heart raced as I listened to Rick's instructions.

"It's open! We got to do this now! We're doing this now! Tobin's group, get moving, go!"

People rushed to get in their positions and I found myself unconsciously reaching for a gun that I no longer had. This was supposed to be a mere trip and I didn't think to ask for one as we were in a large group.

Carter panicked. "No, Rick, we're not ready."

Glenn handed me a machete without saying a word and I nodded in response. My fingers gripped it tightly as I stuck to Michonne not knowing my role in this. I was not supposed to be here.

"Sasha! Abraham! You meet Daryl at red, let him take them through the gauntlet." Rick instructed.

He then turned to me pulling out a gun from his holster. I tried to protest as he forced it into my hands. He needed it more than I did right now.

"Follow Michonne, you're with us." He ordered.

I didn't get to say anything else before he was off barking more orders at the others. Michonne touched my shoulder telling me to follow her. As I did so, the last thing I heard clearly was Daryl's shout.

"They're coming!"

As Michonne led the way, we were joined by Morgan and Rick. The entire time we were running, Rick kept giving orders through his walkie. My muscles strained at the sudden movement, but we couldn't stop.

Michonne started telling me about what we were supposed to do. Fire flares, make sure the reinforced vehicles hold and then follow the herd to make sure none of it splits in a different direction. Easy peasy.

Morgan glanced at me." You sure you're up for this?"

Rick spoke to Glenn on the walkie about clearing out a store we saw full of other walkers. Ones that could distract the herd and lead them to the wrong destination. I didn't take my eyes off of Rick as I spoke to Morgan.

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