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Thrid person's pov.


"Leave a message-" Liam hung up once again. 

After trying multiple times to call his own husband who didn't answer any of his calls, not even a message. Even Damien's guards like Michel didn't answer him. 

It was like Liam had never married nor met Damien in the first place.

Liam dialed his husband's number one more time, just one more and that be it. 

That's what he kept telling himself over and over again but Liam knew deep down that it will never be enough with one call that always left unanswered.

The guy placed his phone close to his ear and called again,

"...........Leave a message after the-"

And Liam decided to leave one more message. 

Just one more, and that be all but it will never be enough for the guy, not until he heard his husband's voice on the other end of the phone.

"I have no idea how many messages i have already left you but i just wanted to say i really miss you and i-"

I love you, Liam thought as his own breath got caught in the throat, feeling the tight hold like his own words were choking him to death. 

That's how heavy they were for him.

"I just- I just-" The young guy felt entirely hopeless. 

He was utterly terrified of saying the wrong thing to his beloved, he already did once, twice would kill him

"Please, take care of yourself and i hope we will see each other soon-"

"The voicemail is full-" Liam immediately hung up, and in a fit of rage he threw his phone across the wall inside the hospital. 

He was thankful nobody was near him, he might have inflicted the pain he felt on somebody else who didn't deserve it.

Liam went to sit towards a bench inside the hospital as all the rage slowly left him, replacing it with emptiness that felt like he had a black hole in his chest that felt like an endless pit which would never have an end to the emptiness he felt.

He looked at the broken phone to his side that was crushed on the floor, the screen was so completely broken that nobody would be able to use it again.

Maybe this was good because now he didn't need to leave hundreds, thousands or millions of unanswered calls or messages, Liam thought.

But that would not stop him, he wasn't that kind of person to stop even if his phone was now crushed. Liam could find another way to get to his love, there were other ways. 

Liam directed his attention somewhere else where he could escape the endless emptiness in his chest and that was the huge glass window, at the outside storm in its presence.

Now he was sitting with a gaze so far away that nobody would be able to reach him if they tried. 

Even if it was his own friend, Noah, who now sat beside him, holding Liam's crushed phone in one hand. 

It wasn't that Liam couldn't bother to acknowledge his friend, it was that his dear friend who was always kind to him was not his husband, Damien.

Both of them sat in silence for a few moments, a silence that wasn't awkward but instead consoling. 

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