Chapter 26 - Oh Klahoma

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This chapter is inspired by Jack Stauber's song, "Oh Klahoma" . . .


Schlatt woke up and quickly sat up in the mud, his eyes darting around to see his surroundings and where he was.  He was on the side of a river, all washed up and right next to a dead lifeless body.  Schlatt looked down to observe the lifeless body and it was like looking through a mirror, as he sees himself, cold and pale.

"I'm . . . dead," Schlatt mumbles to himself, looking at his lifeless version of himself on the ground.  "I'm fucking dead!  What the fuck!?" Schlatt cries, his tears streaming down his face.  For some reason, his tears were hurting him . . . burning him.

He attempts to look at himself through the reflections of the water but . . . he couldn't see himself.  He looked down to his hands and they were . . . transparent.  It was terrifying to Schlatt.  If he couldn't see himself through the water . . . than nobody can see him now.

"I'm . . . a ghost now?" he asks himself, looking around to see if anyone was out there.  He could try and find a friend of his . . . Wilbur . . . he could find Wilbur!

Before he could run, he saw a dark hooded figure behind a tree.  It was weilding a sythe and was coming towards Schlatt now.

"Who are you?!  Don't hurt me!" Schlatt yells, starting to run away from this mysterious person.

"Wait!  Come back!"

It sounded like a woman's voice.  She starts to run to Schlatt, quickly catching up to him with her sythe in hand.  Schlatt trips on a tree root and he collapses to the ground.  He tried to crawl away but the woman grabbed Schlatt's collar.

"Schlatt," the woman says, taking off her cloak to reveal a familiar face.

"Kristin?!" Schlatt exclaims in shock.  He recognized her as Wilbur's mother.

"B- But- how?!  Why do you have a sythe?!" Schlatt asks in a demanding tone.

Kristin sighs and she lets go of Schlatt's collar.

"It's my duty to collect and protect the dead.  Some may call me the godess of death, the grim reaper, or blah blah blah," she chuckles, smiling warmly at Schlatt.  "Well, I'm death.  Not metaphorically, rhetorically, poetically, theoretically, or in any other fancy ways.  I'm death.  Straight. Up."

She starts to laugh at that totally non specific quote from a film, meanwhile, Schlatt's jaw was hanging in shock and fear.

"No no- don't worry.  I won't hurt you nor take your life forcefully unlike the others," she smiles warmly down at Schlatt, a wave of relief washes over Schlatt as she says that.

"Wait- so . . . I'm dead?" Schlatt asks.

Kristin sighs in disappointment and looks Schlatt in the eyes.  Schlatt notices that there's sadness and disappointment in her eyes before she starts speaking again.

"Sadly yes . . . and I'm not allowed to bring dead souls back to life," Kristin says softly.  "But I'm allowed to have a few dead souls roaming around and looking after their loved ones," she adds, giving Schlatt hope to see Wilbur again.

"Do you want to see Wilbur?" she asks, tilting her head in curiosity at Schlatt.  Schlatt nods in response, excited to at least see Wilbur one last time.

"Yes!  Of course!" he exclaims, Kristin's smile becoming wider.

"Alright, I'll bring you to him.  I'll be back at the Soot House now . . . good luck," she smiles, waving her hand over Schlatt.

"Thank you . . ." he smiles, a flash of light blinding his eyes as he's getting teleported to where Wilbur was.

 "Until our next meeting, my friend," Kristin says as Schlatt disappears.  She also teleports and back into the Soot House, unnoticed that she was gone.  She returns to what she was doing originally and acts like nothing had happened.

Meanwhile . . .

"Wilbur!" Schlatt exclaims, running at Wilbur quickly.

"SCHLATT?!" Wilbur yells, not noticing Schlatt running at him.  Schlatt spreads his arms and hugs Wilbur . . . or tried to hug Wilbur.

Wilbur walked through Schlatt, still trying to look for Schlatt.  

But Schlatt was dead . . .

"SCHLATT!!  PLEASE . . . I NEED YOU . . ." Wilbur starts to sob.  Schlatt watches helplessly as he saw tears falling down Wilbur's face.  He could see every little gray hair from every scare they both shared . . .

He remembers those fun memories of experiencing everything with Wilbur, whether it's sadness, fear, happiness, and all of those emotions that they both shared.  They both had a fun time together . . .

but now it's all gone.

Schlatt didn't want to be the only one who sees his best pal cry, but yet, here he was.  Alone and unnoticed, watching his friend cry and sob over him.  He should've never suggested going out and get drunk.  That lead to his death . . . and guilt.

He should've never had stayed for the night with Wilbur . . . that lead to his death and Wilbur's grief.

He should've never had met Wilbur . . . and look where that lead them to.  Grief, sadness, guilt, and death.

"Death . . . such a small word for such a big thing . . ." Schlatt comments softly, standing in front of Wilbur who couldn't even see him . . .

but that was alright.

All he wanted to do was to let Wilbur see him one last time . . .

Schlatt quickly bends down and draws an arrow through the dirt in front of Wilbur, pointing towards the direcgion of where his lifeless body was.

Wilbur looks down and gets curious of what the arrow was leading to.

"Hidden treasure . . . ?" Wilbur asks himself, following the direction of where the arrow was pointing.  He pushes passed branches and bushes and soon, he noticed a body right next to a river.

"SCHLATT?!" Wilbur exclaims, hoping that Schlatt was unconscious.  He runs over to the body and starts examining it.

Pale, lifeless, dead.

"PLEASE . . . SCHLATT . . ." Wilbur starts to sob even harder as he crouched next to his best friend who used to crack up jokes and smile happily.

". . . wake . . . up . . . please . . . ?" Wilbur continues to cry.  Schlatt stood next to Wilbur, starting to tear up as well.  He didn't care that the tears burned his transparent skin, he cared about Wilbur now.

They both cried for what seemed like eternity and soon, Wilbur starts to calm down.

"Thank you . . . for being in my life, my friend," Wilbur makes a small soft smile, closing Schlatt's lifeless eyes and making him look like he was just sleeping pracefully.

"Rest in peace, Schlatt . . ."


1117 words.


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