⭐OH NO-⭐

11 0 0


December 9th, 2023



So basically in Tommy's video, he read some Wattpad stories about him.

Now, you see, Wattpad . . . has writers who write fanfics . . . and I'm a writer who writes fanfics about block men going through trauma for no reason on FUCKING WATTPAD.

If Tommy reads fan works . . . what if he stumbles upon this shithole of a fan work?  Now, he has stated he is fine with fanfics containing him as long it isn't sexual-


Basically, when a MCYT stumbles upon fan work and comments on it, we all scatter and scurry away in utter fear.  I am a physical manifestation of that.

But, I don't want to be reacted to a guy with fourteen million subscribers!  That's hell.  He's gonna see every mistake and typo in this monstrosity, laugh, and say,

"oH, I- er- Chat!  You see this idiot?  Don't be like them, Chat. HheEhEhhHeEh-"

My reputation would cease to exist and my ego would crumble and bite the dust as I clench my fist, holding the dust, a single tear rolling down my cheek as I stare down at what was once my ego.  It will being me tears of sorrow. 

If he does react to this, I will have no choice than to bring out a camera, a ukelele, and shitty lyrics.  Then sing about a Toxic Gossip Train which travel on the tracks of misinformation.

But anyways-

You see any mistakes in this story?  Forget about it, I'm not going back and editing any of the previous chapters in this story unless I need to reread my own plot to remember some of the storyline to stay consistent.

Sometimes . . . it's just absolute dog shit.  It's like if God just took some dog shit, ate it, vomited it out, threw it into the trash can, incinerated the trash can, threw the ashes onto a mortal's dinner plate, force that mortal to eat the ashes, and let the mortal shit out every single atom of what abomination they consumed for dinner.

That's what this Wattpad story is.

Also- I am sorry I haven't updated this story in a while.  I have no motivation and I have 0 ideas for the plot at the moment.  It's all over the place.

So anyway-

Stay in school kids, it helps you get better of making good "original" shit . . . a- and PVP!


- Sexiest Wattpad Writer Known to Man :0

411 words

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