10 - Kiba/Shino - part two

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Sunlight, it's too bright.

That's the first thought Kiba has when he wakes up. With a groan he rolls away from the offending window and nuzzles into the warmth beside him.

Shino smells different.

That's the second thought, and even though he's sleepy and hung over it still hits him like a mental slap.

He jerks up, looking down at his sleeping friend and gapes.

Oh no. They- it wasn't a dream? He can't put a coherent thought together and shame washes over him. How would this affect their friendship or their team?!

He crawls backwards, attempting to slip quietly out of bed. But when he stands up a pain shoots through him from his ass and he hisses, just loud enough to wake Shino.

"Kiba," his voice is low and gentle, a slight huskiness from sleep, but monotone as ever. "Are you okay?" He yawns, sitting up and running a hand through his hair.

He looks beautiful, Kiba can't help but admire how he looks without his glasses, his sleepy eyes half lidded and a little unfocused.

"Uh- yeah. Yeah I'm good." Kiba looks away, heart fluttering in his chest. "Hungover and... Uh .. sore." He admits sheepishly.

He can hear Shino's sharp intake of breath as he finally processes last night. His voice is uncharacteristically hesitant when he finally responds.

"Do you smell anything out of the ordinary?"

Kiba obediently sniffs, head tipped slightly to the side and brows furrowed. "Yeah? We both smell weird. Not sex weird, like buggy? Chemically?"


They look at each other, Kiba lost and Shino solemn. But the moment is broken by Ino slamming the door open and shrieking.

"Get dressed and clean this mess!! My parents will be home tomorrow!!"

She has one hand over her eyes, and the other waving a threatening fist at them. Kiba can't help but chuckle, snatching his discarded pants from the floor and pulling them on.

"Okay okay don't get your panties in a bunch."

Satisfied at the sounds of at least one of them getting up, she turns and leaves, clearly too busy to bother with them longer than necessary.

Kiba tosses Shino his clothes, wrinkling his nose at the state of the room.

"I guess we should wash the sheets. We did make a mess."

Shino nods, slowly, as if lost in thought and continues getting dressed. Together they strip the bed and take the sheets downstairs.

There are sake bottles and cups everywhere, Choji is passed out by the buffet table and Sai is cleaning, dressed in what appears to be some of Ino's clothes.

"Nice shorts Sai, your girlfriend loan them to you?" Kiba teases, and Sai smiles as serenely as ever.

"Good morning, Kiba. I assume you had an enjoyable evening? You were certainly quite vocal."

Kiba feels his face turn red, oh God had everyone heard them having sex then? How loud was he??

Shino ushers them toward the laundry room, nodding politely at Sai as they pass.

Once they finish washing and hanging the sheets up to dry, Shino puts a hand on Kiba's lower back and begins steering them away from Ino's house.

"Kiba, we need to have a serious talk."

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