17 - Superbat - Pink Kryptonite

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Batman knew something was up when he heard Superman enter the room.

They were at the fortress of solitude, studying in an attempt to be prepared for the next Kryptonian attack. General Zod was more than difficult to deal with, their hope for an easier battle rested on the combined archive of Kryptonian information and Batmans strategy skills.

The pair had separated to search different sections, and Clark's return felt wrong instantly. Too quiet.

The large alien was usually talking as he walked through the door, excitable  being the nicest adjective Batman had for him. But he was silent, he stopped just behind Batman, grabbing his hips in an inescapable grip.

"Bruuuuuce~" the sing song lilt of his voice broke his odd silence. "You look .. ravishing." He breathes the compliment, nuzzling the back of Bruce's neck.

Looking over his shoulder, and mentally cursing himself for taking his cowl off in the presumed safety of the impenetrable fortress of solitude, he tries to figure out the sudden change in his companion.

There's an odd pink crystal pendant around his neck. But other than that he appears the same, aside from some blushing and the dopey grin beneath it.

"Clark. Where did you get that?"

The taller man's eyes drop to the pendant and he squeezes Batmans hips affectionately. "Box of stuff we got off a Kryptonian artifacts dealer." He leans down and captures Bruce's lips in a kiss, turning him around fully and pulling him chest to chest with him.

He remembers to release a Bruce to breathe after a few minutes of kissing, pulling his lips away just barely. "You're better than I imagined."

Being pressed against him, he can feel the kryptonians erection through their suits. "Clark, I think that 'artifact' contains pink kryptonite. You need to remove it before you do something you'll regret." He attempts to sound firm, eyes narrowed and hand moving slowly toward the necklace.

But Clark simply smiles, grabbing Bruce's wrists and holding him in place. "No. I need you, Bruce. Can't you see? You're meant for me." He effortlessly maneuvers Bruce, pinning him on his back on the table he'd been taking notes at. With no more effort than a normal human tearing a post it, he shreds Bruce's kevlar lined suit.

One hand pins Bruce's wrists above him, while the other slides down his body. Clark's fingers slip across his muscles, trailing down scarred pectorals and rippling abs to travel his happy trail. Trying to think his way out of this, Bruce attempts to kick at the pendant, pushing a knee between them and swiping at the chain with his foot. The chain doesn't break, his leg caught in Clark's grip and Clark shakes his head at his resistant partner.

"I know you're scared, Bruce, but I can show you what it feels like to be cared for. Just let me." He pushes between Bruce's thigh, leaning down to capture his lips in another kiss. He returns to tracing Bruce's happy trail, pushing the remnants of his pants down to grope his traitorous hardening cock.

Bruce can't help the soft gasps as Clark strokes him, totally unprepared for anything like this ever happening. And when Clark pushes his own freed erection against Bruce's trembling ass, he panics, searching for a way out.

"Clark!" He'd be lying if he said he wasnt attracted to him, but he knew the sensitive country boy on top of him wouldn't be thrilled with this when the alien roofie was removed from his neck. "What about Lois?"

"What about her?" A hint of impatience creeps into Clark's loving attack, and the look he gives Bruce sends shivers up his spine. That power, he was totally helpless beneath his invulnerable friend. It made his body react in shameful ways, his erection throbbing between them.

"Clark.." his voice is soft, pleading now. Although whether he was still trying to stop it or begging for him to take him now was anybody's guess.

Clark presses inside him, dry and rough and leans down to kiss Bruce again. He clumsily slips his tongue into Bruce's mouth, deepening the kiss as he rocks in and out of him.

The pain is to be expected, no prep or lube, and for a moment it hurts terribly. But Bruce enjoys pain, more than he cares to admit, and his whimpers become suppressed moans quickly.

"See, Bruce? You're meant for me." He buries his face in Bruce's neck, sucking large hickeys into the pale skin to stake his claim on the man. "You're mine, no one else could take this. No one else would be writhing and moaning for me as I took them like this. You're special."

Bruce wraps his legs around Superman's waist, locking his ankles. Part of him wanted to give in, to submit and beg beneath Earth's greatest hero. But he knew he couldn't, that Clark could very well fuck him to death under the influence of that pendant.

"Clark~," he moans his name, rolling his hips into the thrusts. "I want to hold you~"

Clark's eyes light up and he releases Bruce's wrists. Bruce wraps his arms around Clark's neck, allowing him to lift him and hold him in the air as he ravishes him.

With a whimper, he leans in to steal a kiss. Clark cups his face gently, kissing back lovingly as his hips start to stutter. "I'm close," he whispers, looking deep into Bruce's eyes.

Bruce smiles, a hint of regret in his eyes the only indicator that he was currently unclasping the necklace. "Me too."

Clark presses deep into Bruce, bruising his hips in his grip as he finishes. And as Bruce tosses the pendant across the room, he lets himself go, collapsing into Clark's arms and cumming on his blue spandex covered torso.

Clark sinks to his knees, dropping Bruce gently to the ground and gaping at him as he comes back to his senses. Bruce merely pulls his cowl on , wraps his cape around him and gathers the shredded pieces of his costume, as well as the pink kryptonite necklace.

"Bruce I-" he waves Clark off, heading toward the door and his waiting plane.

"Whats done is done. Stay away from pink kryptonite." And then he's gone, barely concealing his limp and the bruises covering his body.

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