25 - Shepard/Sarnax - Multi fic dump

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(I'm sorry I'm writing so many legends of avantris fics, ik no one else likes it lol, but it's my guilty pleasure. Each fic with these characters is gonna vary slightly, depending on how cannon compliant I wanna be with certain feelings and physical traits. Also lizardfolk are weird to write so don't be confused if I clarify Sarnax's lizard features more in some lol, I'm expirimenting. Let me know if you like any of these.)

In His Loving Embrace

Shepard knew tonight was possibly their last night, the next day would be a battle to the death with the cursed countess. Instead of the dread and anger he expected to feel, he was distracted.

It had been a long long expedition, and even before that it had been ages since he'd felt the touch of another in a more intimate context. So maybe that was why he was as horny as a teenager for the stupid lizard cultist.

He had no idea why his body or subconscious or whatever hadn't picked someone else. Well... That was a lie, he did know.

Victoria was a little too... Dark. Kana too pure. The professor was married and a slight egomaniac, and he'd rather eat a bullet than touch a vile undead like Esher. But Sarnax... Sarnax related to him in a way he'd never known before. Sarnax had given him a purpose, he believed in him in a way far more passionate than the docs belief that he could help by hunting monsters. He thought he was the Shepard of Garyx lore. A prophesized leader for good and light and justice.

So maybe that was why just seeing him made his chest fluttery, and his pants tight.

No matter why, it was still awkward as hell. And he was sure everyone was starting to pick up on his weird body language and aversion to alone time with Sarnax, who he usually spent most of his time with. He just hoped they put it down to nerves or something.

A rap on the door startles him out of his thoughts, and quickly he stands and composes his face as best he can.

He opens his rooms door to find Sarnax standing before him. He has to restrain himself from face palming. It was like thinking of him summoned the blasted cleric.

"Yes, Sarnax?" This feels like an exhausted tone that was normal, and warranted for this evenings tension. But Sarnax's damned observational skills had already clued him in that something was wrong at dinner, and his lack of boundaries meant he saw no issue with pushing into Shepard's room now to hold his magic lantern up to his face.

Shepard feels the color draining from his face as Sarnax uses his abilities to read him. Sarnax was the blank emotionless slate he usually was outside of combat. His large eyes peer at Shepard a moment, narrowing in suspicion and then glinting with understanding as he finally sees what he was looking for.

"Listen, Sarnax, it's not what you think-"

"So you are not harboring sexual fantasies about me that make you uncomfortable?"

Sarnax and his fucking dead pan, uninhibited way of addressing things. This kind of bluntness had almost gotten them into dangerous situations more than once, and this felt dangerous too.

"Well, yes, I- I have been having.. inappropriate thoughts and feelings about.. you but I would never put you in a situation to deal with that. You're my friend. I just wish you hadn't gone and pried like that."

Sarnax tilts his head, a mystified look in his eyes. "Mammals have weird concepts of "appropriateness" around sexuality. There is nothing inappropriate about wanting to indulge in carnal pleasure with me. In fact, I would be most honored to help you achieve release on what could possibly be our last night alive."

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