39 - Morning Frost/Gricko - Heat

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Morning Frost was enjoying a rare quiet day, but something felt wrong.

Kremy and Gideon had taken Hootsie to town to earn some coin, insisting that Gricko and Frost take the day off to relax. Apparently their "bickering like an old married couple" was detrimental to making a good haul.

And so Frost was doing his laundry in the stream by camp, grateful they had decided against spending on a hotel as  the soft sounds of nature sang around him. Still, something felt wrong.

He hangs his robe over a tree limb to dry, wrapped up in figuring out what was wrong. A twig snaps behind him, and he whirls toward the sound, snarling, his fur puffed up in alarm. 

The sight startles Gricko so badly that he jumps back, and falls right into the stream. The soaking wet goblin looks bewildered, his large eyes wide in surprise. Guilt overwhelms Frost, and quickly he reaches out to haul his friend up out of the stream. "Gricko! Im sorry, I don't know what came over me. Here, let me..." He begins shoving his smaller friends soaked outer layers down his shoulders and freezes.

Something smells... amazing. Frost buries his face in Grickos neck, inhaling deeply.

"F- Frosty? Whaddya doing?" Gricko chuckles, wiggling in Frosts grip. "Yer whiskers tickle!"

Frosts eyes glaze over, too far gone for the words heat or inappropriate to mean anything. He pulls Gricko up into his arms, pawing at his clothes. His nuzzling gets rougher, trying to coat Gricko in his scent, eliciting a yelp from the smaller man. 

The sound startles Frost from his daze. Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit.

He hadn't gone into heat in years. He can perfect control over his mind and body! He- he'd forgotten to take any time to let himself go through his mating cycle recently... And he almost attacked poor Gricko because of it!

Dropping Gricko, Frost stumbles backwards and covers his nose with one paw, fumbling for his robe with the other. "i- I dont- I'm sorry!"

"It was just a little rough snuggling, Frosty. Don't worry about it." The tips of his ears are flushed, but he smiles casually at his friend as he tries to reassure him. He takes a step forward, only to be stopped by Frosty raising his voice.

"Stay back!!" Realizing how loud he'd been, Frosty lowers his voice and covers his face with both paws. "please, stay back Gricko. I don't want to hurt you."

"You, hurt me?? Frosty don't be silly!" Gricko pats Frosts arm.

Frost drops to his knees, groaning at the closeness. He can still smell Gricko, and it's pushing his self control to the limit. His mouth feels dry as he forces himself to tell Gricko the truth. "I- I'm going into heat Gricko. And I want you. You need to get away from me now."

Frost feels like he can't breathe, waiting for Gricko to react. He looks up at Gricko from where he's kneeling in the dirt. His green skin is flushed, almost emerald in tone. He's staring at Frost, but he isn't disgusted, or afraid.

The scent hits Frost next, and he has to hold himself back as a fresh wave of need courses through him. Gricko smells aroused.

His mind is racing, urging him to claim him, to breed him. But Gricko was small compared to a tabaxi, and he could hurt him if he is too rough. So Frost forces himself to be slow. He grabs Grickos waist and pulls him close, pressing their bodies together and kissing Gricko roughly.

Gricko wraps his arms around Frostys neck, the reality of the situation making him tremble. He wanted this, very badly, but had never thought Frosty would feel the same.

Frosts mouth moves down to Grickos neck, and he nips and kisses the sensitive skin greedily.

He wanted to pounce on him, biting and scenting him so that everyone would know Frost was here. But Gricko deserved better, gentler. Frost pulls Grickos wet furs and shirt off, trailing the kisses lower.

"Gricko.. Gricko .." he murmurs his name, desperately kissing him as he makes himself slow down.

Gricko bites his knuckle, trying to muffle the needy sounds Frost is coaxing from him. Frost pushes Grickos pants down. His face flushes emerald again as he watches his best friend. Gricko feels so small compared to Frost in this moment, his fangs skimming his trembling thighs as kisses them before he easily takes Grickos cock into his mouth. He laps at his tip, greedily tasting him. Gricko groans, throwing his head back as the sensations wash over him. Something about feeling like he was Frostys prey was so hot.

New kink unlocked, he thinks, a goofy grin spreading across his face. It quickly turns to a look of surprise as Frost loses control and folds Gricko in half. His large tongue trails down Grickos erection to press into his trembling hole.

Frost can't really think right now, but the "thoughts" chanting through his mind right now would be Gricko, tight, and careful as he uses his tongue to work him open. Twisting and thrusting his tongue, he can feel Gricko unravel- orgasming from Frosts tongue alone as he laps at one particularly sensitive spot.

Before Gricko can recover, Frost is above him and he's kissing him again. Gricko feels dizzy, clutching at Frosts shoulders and whining into the kiss as his friend begins working his cock into him.

Frost rocks in place, pushing in a little farther and pulling back a little farther in a slow, rough rhythm until he's thrusting most of the way into Gricko, knocking gasps out of him.

Gricko moans, a desperate sound as he tries to adjust to Frost. They finally break the kiss, Frost snarling and groaning above him as he pounds into him.

"Gricko- i- I'm close -" Frost manages to warn him, burying his face in his neck.

"God, me too Frosty!" He clutches at him, his voice a wail as he finishes, feeling Frosts hot seed spill deep inside him moments later.

They stay there a moment, silent. Frost carefully pulling out and laying down to hold Gricko to his chest. They knew they needed to get up off the grass and clean up, but they're not sure how to handle this.

"You think the guys-" Gricko cuts himself off, freezing while running a hand through his hair. "Oh no, will Hootsie be okay with this?!"

Frost smiles, tilting Grickos face toward his. "Im sure those two have better things to worry about than being hypocrites. And as for Hootsie, I'm sure she'll be happy to upgrade me to step dad."

Gricko sputters, face flushing again as Frost steals a kiss, chuckling softly at the dumb look on Grickos face.

"Is that a yes?" His tail swishes as he anxiously looks down into Grickos eyes.

Gricko grins back, eyes welling up. "Yes!"

It wouldn't be the first time a pair in this group got surprise married, after all.

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