11 - Jiraiya/Kakashi - Your Biggest Fan

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Kakashi was wandering aimlessly around town, face buried in his favorite Makeout Paradise book. He's jerked from his reading by a page coming loose, slumping out of place.

Damn it. He really has reread this too many times. And taken it on too many missions.

Time for a new copy.

And so, he turns, gingerly closing the book, and heads toward the nearest bookstore.

. . .

Jiraiya was bored, and bewildered. How come his sales were so low lately?? His books were popular! They were well written! He stopped in his mental ranting. The book stores must not be displaying his books properly!

And so he storms toward the nearest book store.

Sure enough, his section is hidden in the back. But it was more than smut! It was literature! So, despite the clerks protesting, he begins rearranging the books, displaying Makeout Paradise and all his other works in the window of the book store.

Kakashi walks in just as Jiraiya finishes, making a beeline for the new display.

His eyes are wide as he scoops up the book he was looking for and turns to Jiraiya with clear eagerness.

" Are you publishing a new book?"

Jiraiya laughs, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. "No, not yet. I just thought these books needed to be displayed properly for a change."

Kakashi nods, smiling under his mask.  "I've got every book you've released, but I read this one too many times.." he trails off and pulls the battered copy out of his pocket.

Jiraiya's eyes widen, he'd never seen such a well loved copy of one of his books! He grins, taking it and the new one from Kakashi to compare them.

"My my you really do like my books don't you?" Kakashi chuckles and scratches his face shyly, a light blush creeping up his face.

Jiraiya takes a pen from his pocket and signs both of the books, handing them to Kakashi with a wink.

"I hope you enjoy your reading Kakashi.~"

Kakashi grins, clutching both books and watches Jiraiya leave. He almost forgets to pay for the books when he goes to leave, eager to check the inscriptions in the privacy of his home, he had a reputation to protect after all, the last thing he needed was a student seeing him fangirl.

. . .

Safe at home Kakashi opens the old copy first, Jiraiya's name and address are scrawled there with a winky face. Confused but intruiged, he checks the new copy.

"To my biggest fan, I'd love it if you'd provide me with some inspiration for my next book.


Kakashi's face flushes, he can't believe what he's reading! He wasn't some groupie .. but ...

Jiraiya's handsome face comes to mind, Kakashi trembles thinking about his extensive knowledge of the pleasurable arts, evident in his masterful writing.

It wouldn't hurt to go see what Jiraiya had in store for him, would it?

. . .

Dressed in a sleeveless shirt with his mask on and a pair of tight pants, Kakashi quickly makes his way to the address Jiraiya had left.

He didn't know why he bothered getting all dressed up, he'd been in his normal work clothes when Jiraiya made the offer after all, but it made him a little more excited thinking about Jiraiya's potential reaction.

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