30 - Jiraiya/Reader - Damsel in Distress

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You didn't mean to end up held hostage by such stupid thugs, you weren't sure how a walk to the hot spring ended so badly. Now, however, you are tied up and shaking in fear as the three brutes advance on you.

There's a flash, and a kunai appears, embedded deep in the nearest thug. You all turn toward the direction it came from and your heart skips a beat at the man who emerges from the treeline.

He's tall, ruggedly handsome with broad shoulders and long spiky white hair. His eyes narrow in concern as he glances at you, before he shoots a cocky smile your way and almost effortlessly takes down the first thug that runs at him.

He doesn't even bother with flashy ninjutsu, striking them plainly but quickly until the lot of them are groaning in pain on the ground. If he's this impressive in hand to hand combat you know he must be a very skilled ninja.

Pulling some rope from his pack he begins to secure them, looking over his shoulder at you. "Hey, you alright?They didn't hurt you did they?"

You can't see your hands blind behind you but you know your wrists must be chafed, and there are likely bruises from them grabbing you and hauling you off the path. But otherwise, you're fine.

"I- uh, I'm okay. Thank you Mr...?"

Dusting his hands off, he stands and stretches his lower back. He quickly makes his way over to you as he replies. "You don't know?" He strikes a cocky pose with his hands on his hips, "I am the toad sage, the legendary Sanin Jiraiya!" And then he drops to his knees, reaching around you to cut your wrists free. He's so close it makes your heart race, and when you look up at him, he winks down at you. "Pretty girls like you can call me whatever you want."

He stays there, so close to you, pulling your wrists in front of you to inspect the raw rope marks. "I know a little healing, but not much." His voice is lower, more serious as he focuses. When he finishes the marks are almost gone, and they no longer hurt when hus thumbs stroke over them.

And then he stands up, offering you a hand, carefree and arrogant again. "I'm sure a pretty girl like you has a pretty name. W-" his voice cuts out, a goofy smile spreading across his rapidly reddening face. He giggles, and you follow his line of sight down.

It was a hot day, so over your undergarments you'd worn your loosest, coolest robe on your way to the hot spring. You'd been on a short path, not even a 5 minute walk, when the thugs had grabbed you. And at some point, your robe had fallen open. Now Jiraiya was ogling the cleavage that peeked out.

You feel your face flush, but you make no move to get away from him or to close your robe. It wasn't everyday that you got rescued by someone of his status, and you couldn't honestly say you didn't like the way he looked at you.

Biting your lip, you reach up, pretending to brush dust off of the front of his clothing while you really just run your hands over his broad chest. "I'm y/n, but you can call me whatever you'd like." You try to match his flirtatious behavior, moving closer and letting your robe slip off one shoulder.

Still flushed, he sees a little more aware. His eyes widen at your bold reciprocation of his advances, he had expected to be slapped. He laughs softly, a hand slipping down to hold your waist as he breathes in your scent. "It's been far too long since someone as pretty as you has taken an interest in me."

His eyes darken, free hand coming up to brush your hair back slowly.

The moment is shattered by a groan from one of the thugs. With a sigh, Jiraiya turns to glare at them and summons a horse sized toad.

"Could you take these assholes to town? Let them know they were caught in the act of kidnapping." The toad shrugs, letting Jiraiya toss the men onto his back before hopping off toward town.

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