29 - Jason/Jon - Call Me Daddy

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Jon knew he wasn't supposed to sneak out and fly wherever, even though he was 18. He knew Gotham was off limits without good reason or a bat-family members approval, and he certainly knew Batman would definitely chew him out before ratting him out to his dad if he caught him.

But, Jon had a secret.

Jon Kent had a crush on his best friends older brother.

Not goodie two shoes Dick, or insomniac Tim. No, Jon, the son of Superman, was head over heels for the murdering, anti-hero-on-a-good-day, Jason Todd. And although he was sure the man wouldn't be interested in him, he couldn't resist sneaking out to spy on him.

He didn't do this often, usually just taking a peek while he was already in Gotham. But Damian hadn't been up for a sleepover in months, considering his new more intense training and school schedules. And Jon was dying to see more than what Google could offer.

Landing lightly on a ledge, he peers around the dark city. There's screams coming from somewhere but the sound of the batmobile reassures him he doesn't need to lend a hand.

Finally, he hears it, gunshots and someone cursing out Red Hood. And as fast as he can, he's there.

Laying flat on the roof of a building, he peers over the edge and watches breathless at the scene below.

Red Hood smashes his gun down onto the head of a still conscious thug, knocking the man out before shooting, what apparently was blanks, at one further away. It sends him back and knocks the wind out of him long enough for Jason to run over and kick the man's weapon away. And then he ties them both up and fiddles with his phone, letting either Batman or the cops know where the injured but technically alive, men were.

Jon sighs, resting his cheek on his hand. This was different from the awe inspiring combat of super beings or meta humans, true. It was more like watching an action movie, but, he wasn't here for that kind of thrill. He was chasing a much more adult feeling.

He gets up, sneakily flying after Red Hood as he gets on his motorcycle and flees the area. After a little while, Jason stops in an alley. Jon lands on the roof of one of the buildings, peering down to see what he was up to now.

Jason pulls his helmet off, sighing and brushing his hair back. That one white streak, from his return to life, standing out against the inky black of the rest of his hair.

Jason turns to where Jon is hiding and Jon ducks back, covering his face. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. He did not wanna get caught.

He hears an odd noise, a familiar noise.

A grappling gun.

And when he peeks up, Jason is hanging from the ledge in front of him.

Jason smiles, his canine teeth glinting a moment before he pulls himself up and sits beside Jon. The younger man scrambles to a more dignified position, sitting up straight and brushing his clothes off.

He wore all black to be sneakier, red and blue stood out far too much in the grim grey's of Gotham. But now his black shorts felt far too tight, and his t-shirt felt very exposing.

"You spy on me often?" Jason's smooth low voice sends a shiver down Jon's spine. He opens his mouth to lie, but Jason looks up at him over the cigarette he's lighting and Jon is absolutely helpless.

"Y- yeah. Well, not often often, just a little." His face is flushed and he looks up at Jason, heart racing so loud he almost couldn't hear himself speak. "Can you blame me? You're gorgeous."

Jason chuckles, a cloud of smoke curling up around his head as he takes slow drags on his cigarette. He reaches his hand out and tucks Jon's hair back behind his ear, running his fingertips down to his chin, tilting the younger mans face back to get a good look at him.

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