18 - Hinata/Neji - Arranged Marriage

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Neji and Hinata kneel before the head of the clan, heads bowed and expressions unreadable as they wait for him to speak.

"Seeing as the two of you are at marrying age, have no suitors and possess such strong Byakugan, the elders have decided it is best to arrange a union between you."

Neji's hands clench in trembling fists on his knees and Hinata's hair falls over her face as she bows her head further.

"Ordinarily, as you, Hinata, are useless as an heir, you would become part of the branch family. But I can not bear the thought of putting that mark on you, no matter what the elders may say."

This is almost as shocking as the arranged marriage and Neji casts a bewildered, defiant look up to his uncle in silent rage. So he could mark him as a child but not an adult Hinata who he had cast aside?!

"Neji," Neji jerks his gaze down to his lap and nods. "I will remove your mark as well. I have a house in the village, a wedding gift for you two. My only condition, you are to produce at least 3 children. They will no doubt have the purest Byakugan this village has seen in generations. Neither of you are much good for anything, except your offsprings potential. Understood?"

Neji and Hinata nod. As outrageous as it may seem, an end to the branch family was still an end, so Neji didn't dare risk the offer being rescinded.

Trembling from suppressed emotion and shock, the pair stand and walk out of the room once dismissed.

"H- husband?" Hinata calls as Neji begins toward his room, testing the word. He stops, chest tight at the title, but maintains an impassive demeanor.

"Yes, Hinata?"

"While the el- elders finalize the wedding date, we should probably break the news to our friends shouldn't we?"

Neji facepalms, taking a slow breath he runs his hands through his dark hair and nods, finally turning to face Hinata.

"It would make the transition easier if we did, waiting would only cause us unnecessary stress."

He pauses, studying Hinata as a woman and not his clan member for the first time. She is beautiful, although meek. It dawn's on him that this marriage only benefits him, and he reaches out hesitantly to place a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Hinata, I will deny the wedding and fight this union on your behalf if you do not want this. I know you have your heart set on Naruto."

Hinata shakes her head, eyes squeezed shut as if hiding from her own emotions. "N- no! I want to help the clan! A-and," her voice softens and she looks up toward the stars to steady herself. "I only love Naruto-kun as a symbol, as a leader. The way Lee loves Guy Sensei. I want to be like him, bring that hope and save people.... If all I can do is save you from being branch family," her hand comes up to brush over his covered forehead, eyes misty with regret, "then it will be worth it."

Neji can't breathe, his heart feels like it's trying to gentle fist it's way through his sternum. He was wrong before, Hinata wasn't merely beautiful. He didn't have words enough to describe her.

With a tense smile, he bows his head. "I am honored then, to have you as my wife. So long as that is what you desire." He looks up at her, trying to convey with his eyes what his mouth cannot. That he will do anything to bring her happiness, will respect any boundaries and, unintentionally, that he is terrified of how his heart pounds and stomach flips when she looks at him like that.

She lifts his head gently, smiling shyly as even this contact lights a deep blush in her cheeks. "You don't have to do that anymore. We're equals now."

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