28 - Draco/Harry - Dom Draco

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If anyone had told Harry when he was younger that he'd ever willingly be having drinks with Draco Malfoy as an adult, he probably would've laughed.

The context of them being aurors and running into each other at an after work function sort of helps. But he's sure the scrawny problem magnet he once was would still pretend he had to have been forced.

Harry is musing about this, looking around at his colleagues occasionally as half of them are more than 'work event' tipsy. But his eyes keep getting pulled back to Draco. Draco is turned away from him, no doubt snobbily pretending Harry isn't a seat away as he tries to chat up some pureblood girl. Not that Harry could hear them, the bar was far too loud.

Harry's eyes drag down Draco's form to his wonderfully tight slacks. It was truly unfair that someone so unbearable could be so damn hot.

He shoots an untrusting look at his drink. Maybe he was getting drunk too, because there was no way he was checking out that brat.

His clarity comes too late, and when he looks up he locks eyes with Draco. Draco smiles, smug as ever, and leans over the empty seat between them. With one hand he steadies himself on the bar, and with the other he grabs Harry by his loose tie, pulling him close. His lips brush Harry's ear, voice low and amused as he whispers. "Like what you see, Potter? Stop staring like a coward and meet me outside in 5."

And then he shoves Harry away and turns back to his conversation.

Harry knew his face was flushed, his cheeks hot from the rush of embarrassment. He stands, quickly slapping his money down on the bar and throwing a hasty wave to the bartender as he turns to leave.

He has to dodge coworkers, aquaintances and friends on his way to the door, not for the first time cursing his fame and people skills.

Finally outside, he rounds a corner into an alley, slumping against the cool brick of the wall. The night air tousles his hair, and for a moment he closes his eyes to clear his mind. Someone presses their lips to his and it tears him back to reality. He flushes again, reeling backward into the wall and putting his hands up between them.

"Draco!? What- Shit. Um-"

Draco cuts him off with a scoff, boxing him in on either side with his arms and looking down into Harry's eyes.

"Eager, aren't you, Potter?"

Harry scowls, face still red, and looks away. "Fuck off, Malfoy."

"Don't be like that, pet, I was just about to give you what you've clearly been after." Draco pushes a leg between Harry's and grinds his thigh up against Harry's tented pants.

When had that-?! Oh man he was never drinking in public again.

Harry gasps, eyelids fluttering and hands instinctively clutching at Draco's shoulders as the pleasure and alcohol make him dizzy. "A- as if, you fucking prick."

There's a giggle from the sidewalk and the girl Draco had been talking to waves at them. Draco nods politely, before turning back to Harry. Harry sneers, trying to seem cocky. "Werent you chatting her up? Are you really gonna let her leave just so you can mess with me?"

"That's my cousin."

Harry laughs, refusing to look at Draco as he tries to figure a way out of this that wouldn't end with him in trouble at work. "Didn't think that mattered to you "pure" bloods."

He can see Draco's eyes narrow of the corner of his eye before he's grabbed by his chin and forced to look at him.

"Playing hard to get was cute, Potter, but I think I'm going to have to teach you some manners." Draco's voice has a snarl to it as he says this, and then he apparates them away.

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