P. 36 {Outsiders}

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True to his word, Namjoon called bright and early telling me to get ready because my boyfriend was on his way to take his girlfriend to the fair. Completely giddy over our new titles, I hurried to be ready for him.

It was still a bit warm out so I put on a tank top and tennis skirt with my converses and met him at the door. My mom sat at the dining room table, drinking her coffee, and saw us off.

"Have fun kids," she waved while my dad muttered, "Not too much" in the background. Taking my hand, Namjoon pulled me outside before kissing me.

"Good morning my beautiful girlfriend."

"Well, good morning to you my handsome boyfriend."

God we were corny but the road to get here had been long and hard so I didn't give a flying fuck and neither did he. We were just happy to be here.

Walking a few blocks over, we were met with the sounds and smells of the summer fair. Little kids were running around everywhere, cotton candy and stuffed animals in tow. Screams were heard from the rides and catcalls were being made to bring people to the gaming tables.

My eyes grew wide taking in the sights, Namjoon going on about what we could do first.

"Nothing high. I'm really not trying to be in the air with you today, Joonie," I warned him as he was eyeing the big swinging thing. He turned to me and laughed before pulling me in for a hug.

"You're safe with me, babygirl."


"Come on."

We started simple, playing a game of ring toss which Namjoon truly sucked at. I actually won him a stuffed frog which he pouted about before searching for a game he might actually be good at. I had to veer him away from the dart throwing table and the test your strength hammer. We didn't need any disasters today.

He finally sat down at the water gun game and did pretty well, winning me a big Koala bear that I hugged tightly while playfully ignoring him.

The house of mirrors wasn't all that fun as Namjoon kept running into himself and I was afraid he might do some damage to that smart brain of his. We played a dance game in which I beat the pants off of him but he didn't do so bad for a beginner. Then we stopped at a trivia basketball game where he did so well, the guy asked us not to come back.

Then he wanted to start getting on the rides. I opted for the merry-go-round while he wanted to do Bungie jumping. I wasn't having it. I watched as he flew through the air, praying that he didn't go splat, relieved when he bounced back. He sat on a seat beside me as I rode a purple seahorse on the merry-go-round, laughing at my glee at such a simple act.

We agreed on the topsy-turvy ride as it was not too high and didn't have me flying at high speeds. We took a ride on the choo choo train before deciding to try out some of the carnival food.

Sitting at a nearby bench, I munched on a funnel cake covered in strawberries and glaze while he ate a polish with sausage and onions. After he popped a breath mint, I leaned over and kissed him.

Leaning back, I caught a glimpse of Taehyung watching us and was immediately consumed with guilt. He smiled shyly and turned to walk away.

"Taehyung, wait!," I called after him, startling Namjoon.

"I'll be right back," I said to him before scurrying after Taehyung who seemed to be running from me.

Catching up with him, I grabbed his arm and turned him around.

"Hey. Didn't you hear me?," I asked him.

"There's no need to explain, (Y/N). Really. So, I guess you guys are an item now?"

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