P. 2 {Party}

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In my bedroom, I pull out the leftover homework Namjoon had left me to do. A lot of my work was done outside of his presence because doing actual work while he was smiling sexily in my face was a nonexistent option. 

After finishing up the two lessons on the Pythagorean Theorem, I only glanced at the midpoint formula. My brain was tired and only Namjoon could explain it to me in a way that I could understand anyway. Stretching and yawning, I laid out on my bed and waited for mom to call me for dinner. 

After dinner, I got a call from my best friend Sowon. 

“Girl, it's a party tonight and there should be some hotties. Maybe you can bust that hot, tight ass pussy open on somebody's unsuspecting son,” she yelled at me through the phone.

Did I mention she was blunt and wild as fuck? I laughed at her stupid ass, her clearly having already lost her virginity and wanted me to join the way of the deflowered as she called it.

I was withering away, she had told me.

It would be the best experience of my life, she said.

She had given me some of the rundown of her first time, the nervousness, the pain, the pleasure that soon came after, and the fun that it was after getting past all the discomfort. 

I had ignored all her potential advice, having heard it all from my mother’s mouth in one of our many, many talks so I ignored her special ass and  focused more on the party. 

“Bitch, I’m not trying to be out here throwing my cookie around. But I will go to the party. What time does it start?”

“9 o’clock, bitch” she was clearly excited I had decided to go.

“Ok, pick me up at 8:30,” I quickly replied then hung up on her ass. I ran and knocked on my parents door, hearing a bunch of shushes before my mom finally asked, “What is it honey?” in a strained voice. 


“I'm going out with Sowon. I’ll be back before midnight.” 

I heard a giggle from my mom followed by an “Ok. Be safe and don’t forget your phone.”


I quickly headed back to my room and having already showered, I went straight to my closet to find something to wear. I settled on a pair of blue jean shorts, a cute white top, and my high top converses. I wrapped my hair up in a high ponytail that fell well past my shoulders before throwing on a light pink lip gloss as my only source of make up. 

By the time I was done, I could hear Sowon’s familiar car horn blowing impatiently for me to come outside. 

“Bye, mom, bye dad,” I yelled out at the door, hearing more giggling and I muffled bye from my mother. I swear those two were horndogs.  

Sowon approved of my outfit for the night with a nod before pulling off towards our destination. I really didn’t want to go to a party but I really needed to get out of my house and out of my thoughts because right now the only thing on my brain was Namjoon and the conversation my mom and I had had earlier. 

Why couldn’t he be my first? Well one, he had never even seen me. Never even thought about me in that way. But we had known each other forever. It would be nice to have the first guy to ever enter my body be the boy I had been crushing on for seven whole years. And I bet he would be great at it. He would know exactly what he was doing. Know exactly how to touch me, kiss me, other things…

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