Chapter 14: Not true

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Aria's Pov:

I decided to stay in the back and maybe go to school tomorrow because I only have a few days left. Ezra's computer buzzed so I read what it said. It was an email from Jackie!

"Hey! Thanks for last week I hope we can hook up again! I really enjoyed it and I'm sorry if I rushed things because I know you are dumping her later, I just really like you!"

I grabbed my purse and ran out the door.

Ezra's Pov:

I saw Aria run out of the brew so I followed her with my car. She got out of her car and ran up to my apartment.

"Aria wait!" I yelled while she unlocked my door and ran in.

"WHAT?" She yelled.

"Why did you leave the brew?" I asked.


"Aria! I honestly don't!" I said.

"WELL NOW YOU CAN GO BACK WITH JACKIE BECAUSE IM DONE!" She said running to the door. I grabbed her arm.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" Know I started yelling.

"YOU KNOW WHAT NOW I KNOW YOU NEVER LOVED ME!" She screamed with tears coming down her face.

"WELL MAYBE I DON'T I LOVE YOU!" I yelled but realized what I just said. Her eyes got big and puffy. The room got silent. I sighed.

"Aria I," but before I could finish she interrupted.

"NO! Stay away from me!" She yelled and she left. I kinda stood there in the apartment with my hands rubbing my eyes. I eventually went back to work.

- 4 days later -

It's been almost a week but feels like a year that the fight happened. I told her I didn't love her! What stupid ass am I! I got a text from her mom. It read. "Hey Ezra! I know what happened but I think you need to come over. She's been in her bed for 4 straight days! Thanks again! -Ella"

I got in my car and left to their house because I was worried know. I knocked on the door and Ella opened it slowly and quietly. She smiled and let me through. I walked upstairs and opened Aria's door. Her eyes got really big. What was really cute was that she was wearing my t shirt. Then she got up fast and ran to the trash can to throw up. I ran after her. I started rubbing her back and have her a wet towel to wash off her face. I guided her back to bed and sat down with her. I looked at her for a hot minute while she looked down and sulked.

"Aria." I said while she looked up at me.

"I saw the email that you read and I want you to read the next email she sent me an hour after." As I have her my phone. It read.

"Hey Z! Sorry about that last email! That was to zach! I hope you and Aria are doing well! I'll hopefully see her in college! Bye!"

Aria looked at me with big eyes.

"I'm so sorry I said I didn't love you. I know that wasn't right. It's not true either because, I would do anything for you." I said.

Aria looked at me but I wasn't sure what she was about to say.

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